Hungary’s most beautifully located village

According to the votes of Origo’s readers, the village of Súr, found in Komárom-Eszergom County, is Hungary’s most beautifully located village. The small village, lying along the forests of Bakony between Mór and Zirc in the southern corner of the county, got 22,445 votes, which is the 17% of the total votes.
Origo launched the competition on the 25th of September. In the first two rounds 3-3 villages – recommended by the professionals of county general assemblies – competed from each county. Only villages could take part in the competition, because the aim was to introduce settlements that are not part of the main Hungarian touristic attractions.
The first round was closed a bit earlier than expected due to some unfortunate frauds. The second round was launched on the 9th of October and closed on the 13th. In this round you could vote for the most beautiful-lying villages of 19 counties.
It seems like the second round was also popular as Origo received 128,820 votes all together. There was a real battle for the second place between Császártöltés in Bács-Kiskun County and Feked in Baranya County. In the end, Császártöltés passed Feked by 194 votes, which was followed by Kisszékely in Tolna County.
Miklós Sógorka, the Mayor of Súr, is moved by the many votes they got, and he wants to thank every single voter. The Mayor of the silver medallist Császártöltés, Judit Stalter said that everyone was very excited in the village on Thursday, because the final was quite tight. Péter Tillmann, Mayor of Feked, said that they mobilised great powers to become second, but they are very happy with the third place as well.
Some photos of the winner village, Súr:
Copy editor: bm
Great! And…what’s the winner village is like? The article says nothing about it. 🙁