Hungary’s child protection law ‘incompatible’ with human rights norms, says Venice Commission
The Venice Commission has said amendments to Hungary’s child protection law were “incompatible” with international human rights norms.
In a statement on Monday, the Strasbourg body said it was regrettable that the law which came into force in June had been passed hastily and without prior consultation with civil society, the opposition or other stakeholders. This also entailed setting aside the Venice Commission’s previous recommendations, it added.
Questions of public morality and the protection of children are not grounds for a blanket prohibition or restriction of the depiction of gender reassignment or homosexuality,
the statement said, adding that the rules were not directed at overtly sexual content or obscenity, and may therefore curb the expression of sexual orientation and gender identity.
- read also: MTV EMA Budapest was about supporting LGBTQ+ communities instead of music – PHOTOS, VIDEOS
The Council of Europe advisory body said gender in terms of personal identity and homosexuality as a variant of sexual orientation are protected by the European Convention on Human Rights.
Also, legal definitions that are too broad, imprecise, or ambiguous may result in different interpretations of a legal text, it added.
The statement said
Hungary was obliged to provide children with objective and impartial information on gender identity and sexual orientation, as well as protecting them from discrimination.
Yet, the law could create a “threatening environment” where children in the LGBTQ community may be exposed to health risks, intimidation and harassment, it added.
Further, certain provisions in the law violate the right to family life codified in the Human Rights Convention, so trample on the right of parents to freely raise and educate their children.
The law could result in stigmatisation and discrimination against LGBT communities, the statement said.
Read alsoSexual propaganda targeting children increasingly aggressive?
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Orbánistan is a primitive regime led by a gang of cavemen and cavewomen.
Nothing these illiberal politicians do and say is for the welfare of Hungarian people.
Even they are spying on the president, who is one of then. And they want to decide about matters which concern people’s private sphere, sexuality…Just like in the Soviet regimes.
Orbanism is just nationalcommunism under a different name. I do not see any difference between Orbán and Çeauşescu.
Another EU agency tries to expose Hungarian children to perversion rejected by the vast majority of Hungarian parents.
The EU’s creeping globalist, communist dictates stop at Hungary’s borders.
The EU, Soros, CIA supported opposition and foreign provocateurs may not like the will of Hungarian people but it is not their decision.
In their twisted mind, it is human right to be allowed to molest children, other people’s children.
That is no human right. That is ugly perversion.
“CNN producer accused of child sex crimes once decried growing news stories of child abuse cases in old tweet
‘New Day’ senior producer John Griffin faces up to life in prison.”
Griffin could get a job running the Venice Commision XD
The vast bulk (99.9%) of child abuse in Hungary is committed by men against child girls who are members of their own family or the female children of their social circle. This is what Hungarian research has found and been reported by an established and admired Hungarian University in an-depth study. So who are all these perverts? If you want details of the research conducted over a period of 20 years by the University of Debrecen I can provide the link. It is a pdf that can be downloaded.
Is this the István who needs a paper hankie every time the name of Judit Varga’s name is mentioned even though he is old enough to be her great grandfather? Very strange indeed……
It tells all we need to know about these perverts that cannot handle appreciation of a strong and talented mother of three children. These perverts are beyond hope.
There is no way we let these perverts get near Hungarian children.
I don’t believe that the Debrecen study gives a breakdown of ethnicity of perpetrators and victims. If they provided an ethnic breakdown, we would see that the vast majority of perpetrators and victims are not ethnic Hungarians.
Important distinction is that when these criminal acts are discovered the perpetrators are punished. The problem with the EU is that they demand a right and excess to our schools to molest Hungarian children.
I have yet to see a law or an agreement that states that LGBT community has the right to enter schools and brainwash children with undeveloped mind. Hungary has enacted strong laws around 2008 that protects LGBT members from violence and discrimination. It is time that idiots stop interfering in Hungary’s internal policies and concentrate on saving their own population from crimes committed by migrants.
In the beginning, the European Union was about ensuring peace on the continent. Then it became about economic prosperity. Now its mostly about buttsex . In the West, as we speak, thousands of kids are being injected with sterilizing cross-sex hormones, all in the name of tolerance.
“Denmark Minister Sentenced to Prison for Trying to Protect Muslim Child Brides
It’s hard to think of a more backward and warped phenomenon than the trial of former immigration minister Inger Støjberg, who tried to stop child marriage and the traffic of underage girls into the country during the Muslim migrant crisis. ”
Hungary and Central Europe will not accept child molesting perversion as normal.
According to a certain commentator, ‘dirty old men’ getting off on certain much younger female Ministers is ok and that ‘ethnic Hungarians’ do not commit crimes even though the jails in Hungary tell a different story. Yeah right! Very ‘peverz’ logic!
Bottom line, no group has the right to spread propaganda in schools, that includes LGBT. Is it possible that sometimes gay people turn to same sex partners out of loneliness. That statement does not mean that there are no legitimate gay people. Canadian House of Commons unanimously passed banning conversion therapy. Could the reason be that children at early age are convinced that they may be in the wrong body and later in life, they regret the decision made in early years?