Corruption: iconic Budapest hotel sold below the market price to PM Orbán’s son-in-law?
Péter Magyar, the leader of the opposition Tisza Party, has slammed deputies of the leftist Democratic Coalition (DK) and ruling Fidesz in the Budapest municipal assembly for “voting together with the mayor [Gergely Karácsony] to sell a part of Hotel Gellért below the market price to István Tiborcz’s circles”.
DK and Fidesz also voted down a proposal to change the assembly’s rules of operation under which “the mayor would have lost his unlimited power in the assembly,” Magyar said.
DK and Fidesz “do not want” deputies to control the selection of the heads of large municipal companies; neither do they want those officials to have a reporting obligation to deputies, Magyar insisted. “Surely they want to continue in the shady dealings they have shared,” he said.

Tisza votes down low household energy bills ‘yet again’, Fidesz’s Budapest leader says
The opposition Tisza Party in the city assembly has yet again voted against the government scheme which saves Hungarian households hundreds of thousands of forints each year on utility bills, Alexandra Szentkirályi, the leader of the Fidesz-Christian Democrat group in the assembly said on Thursday.
Szentkirályi said the party led by Péter Magyar had effectively voted in the energy committee to abolish the scheme, and she cited him as saying previously that the country had been held back because of the “useless” subsidy.
She noted that Fidesz put forward a motion in the city assembly on protecting and maintaining the utility scheme. “But all they could say — led by the Tisza Party — was that they did not support our proposal, and they voted it down,” she said.
The Fidesz politician said Hungarians paid the lowest utility bills in Europe, yet Tisza would “put an end to this in Hungary and Budapest as well”.
“They have proven this for the second time…” she added.
Multiple Fidesz proposals voted down by Budapest assembly, Szentkirályi added
The Budapest municipal assembly voted down several of ruling Fidesz’s proposals concerning housing affordability, Alexandra Szentkirályi, the head of the party’s Budapest chapter, said on Thursday.
Fidesz’s proposals had been aimed at getting the city council to take more effective steps towards resolving the housing crisis, Szentkirályi told public news channel M1.
She said the municipality’s housing agency had only managed to rent out eight flats over the last six months.
“The capital will be receiving billions in European Union funds, and the proposal was to use those funds to help build dorms or company flats instead of channelling the money into … the housing agency,” she said.
“There’s no shame in admitting that you can’t do something and asking for help,” Szentkirályi said. “If the city council is incapable of resolving the housing problem, the government will help.”
She added that she had held “promising talks” in the matter with the national economy minister.
Meanwhile, she said the city assembly had also voted down a proposal from Fidesz which would have called for exploring whether city housing stock could be used to resolve the housing crisis.
Szentkirályi added, at the same time, that the assembly had approved a proposal to look into the city council’s “inefficient” model aimed at keeping utility prices low.
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Mr. Tiborcz BFF Mr. Jellinek wasn´t involved in this, surely? He is famous!
Were there any bids to buy the hotel? The value of any real estate varies. The list prices of real estate are usually inflated. The hotel was probably sold at the real value.
The “Mystery” – but we know it has gone on – throughout History, right throughout the nearing (16) sixteen years under the Orban led Fidesz Government of Hungary.
“Close the door behind you.
You and I know that the REAL price to-day in the market is – in the “Ball Park” that we are asking for this property.
Pending your agreement and the conditions of sale I disclose to you, that will be legally binding, we are prepared, to sell this property, offically – have its recorded price of sale of this property to you for ???
Do the sums – that is % % % – lower than the actual recorded price of the property Sale
The price differential – from recorded sale to the actual sale price – you settle us.
It’s a “Greasing of the Palm” or “Favours in Return” arrangement, for the support, we have given to the Political Party of your and our SUPPORT – that could be “termed” – keeping it in the Family.
This “proposed” drawn up in contractual required legal process, clearly outlines, the terms and conditions, you adhere agree to, for this sale to proceed.
We view this as a “Win-Win” arrangement, you the purchaser settling, the purchase of this ‘Prime ” piece of Real Estate, on an under valued market price – again reminding you of the DIFFERENTIAL – and that we – the Vendor(s) – by what is outlined in the legal contract between YOU – the recorded “on title” purchaser and us being the Vendor – and that you win and – we win.”
Maybe – this was a process – this SALE proceeded ???
“What Goes on BEHIND Closed Doors.” – the secretly conducted meetings – the DEALS that are made, continue to be made – WITHOUT public notice.
How could it EVEN be thought of, let alone suggested that the Orban led Fidesz Government – would operate function – in such a “Behind Closed Door” process.
Hungarians – growing in millions KNOW – the REAL answer to that QUESTION.
No one mentioned other bidders for the said hotel. Some opposition leaders rather have the hotel demolished and staff added to the unemployment line rather that allow a successful businessman related to Orban buy the hotel. One of Hungary’s biggest and worst habit is jealousy and lies without proof to shore up their point of view. Stop this horrible habit and celebrate Hungarians’ success.