Incredible moves by the FBI Street Generations
Many people don’t know anything about street sports, only that “youngsters” are jumping up and down, they dance, or climb up anywhere where they shouldn’t. Not to mention those wild bikers and skaters who only scare the pedestrians. introduces such a group, and tells their real story: what is behind all those jumping and scaring.
Tamás Buzás, one of the founders of the FBI Street Generations says that street sports are not just about jumping up and down and scaring people, but the words parkour, BMX, Dirt, Break dance, Flatland, and Trial have so much more behind them. These are real sports, but so many people have prejudices against them, and it’s really tough in Hungary to be among the few who actually like these sports. The FBI Street Generations’ goal is to change all that by revealing the myth behind street sports.
Although the FBI Street Generations only wanted to draw attention to the neglection of these sports in Hungary and that people have nothing to be afraid of, they achieved so much more. Their performances were so successful that schools and theatres asked them to show their talent to audiences, and they even performed at Lake Balaton, where 3500 people were watching them.
Their Facebook page (check here) brought them even more fame. They regularly post photos and videos, and already shot commercials, and made several photo series as well. Thanks to their performances finally more and more people realize that street sports are nothing to be afraid of. These people are helping others and not vandalizing their environment.
As Tamás said, these sports give chances to talented young people to show what they can really do, and they are happy to see that more and more people acknowledge the existence of street sports in their hometown, Komárom, and in nearby cities. One of Tamás’ future goal is to teach kids and give them the opportunity to learn what they have perfected over the years.
Photo source: Hornyák Emőke/FBI Street Generations Facebook page
Copy editor: bm