Inflation in Hungary to be around 20 pc in the coming months!

The opposition Democratic Coalition (DK) has said the central bank’s (NBH) inflation forecast of around 20 percent in the coming months “is an admission that the Hungarian economy is in big trouble”.

Democratic Coalition: inflation 25-year high

“There’ll be inflation as long as Viktor Orbán is prime minister,” DK lawmaker László Varjú. “Under the Orbán government, our lives are set to deteriorate even further.” He added that with inflation at a 25-year high, government measures such as caps of household energy bills and austerity would not be sufficient to make a difference.

Varjú attributed skyrocketing inflation to “a decade of weakening the forint — a direct consequence of [ruling] Fidesz’s economic policy.” “The Hungarian economy and everyday life are suffocating under Orbán’s inflation,” he said. Varjú also blamed the prime minister for the falling value of wages and pensions.

Fidesz reaction

“Viktor Orbán wants Hungarians to pay the price of his bad governance after having raised his own salary threefold,” Varjú said. In response, ruling Fidesz accused DK leader Ferenc Gyurcsány of exploiting the Ukraine war in a bid to return to power. “Europe and Hungary are suffering from the consequences of the war and Brussels sanctions … but Ferenc Gyurcsány only thinks of rising to power again,” the party said in a statement.

Gyurcsány’s premiership between 2004 and 2009 ended because “the Hungarian people sacked him for pushing Hungary into an economic crisis, mass unemployment and to the brink of insolvency, and for raising the price of gas threefold and doubling electricity prices; even without an energy crisis…” “Gyurcsany and the left wing ruined the country,” the statement said.

Source: MTI


  1. The simple fact of the matter is that without EU money (even though much of it unaccountably disappears into oligarch’s pockets), the Hungarian economy is a busted flush

  2. Ah. So it’s the Brussels Bureaucrats and the war in Ukraine. Why not toss in Soros and the Global Leftist Elite for good measure.

    FACT: we are worst off in the EU by a country mile, and, for some reason, our Leaders (who rule by Decree -the democratic process is dead weight when you’re ruling) fail to take any responsibility. Unfortunate, to say the least!

  3. WHY are the Hungarian population – 9.6 million – why are they continueing to sit back – witness daily the on-going perilous Economic & Financial “down trending” of the Hunarian economy.
    This Hungarian attitude – HIGHLIGHTS the “mesmerizing” – inflicted by the Fidesz led Government of Hungary under the leadership of the present Prime Minister of Hungary – Victor Orban.
    The componentry that makes up the CORE of the Economic & Financial Balance Sheet of Hungary – and used GLOBALLY by companies and countrys to gauge the performance of their Economys – all these components – looking at Hungary – continue to SLIDE into a Deepening Dark & Black Hole.
    Hungarians – sit back – acting extremely passive to the devastation in-side Hungary, that is factually occuring all around them, in their attitude just accepting “taking it on the chin” somewhat un-concerned or CONFUSED ???
    The difficulty for Hungarians is – that their Government, under Prime Minister – Victor Orban – exhibit, display POWER over the People – through a DICTATORIAL regine and Practiced style of agenda.
    The “Zenith” of Hungarys PROBLEMS – with NO financial aid from the European Union – unneaving/fearsome.

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