IV. Budavár Beer Festival – Hungarian And Excellent Czech Craft Beers In Buda Castle

The 4th “Budavári Sörfesztivál” will be held in Buda Castle between 12th and 15th June where the powerful Czech beers will be at the centre of the festival among special Hungarian craft beers and breweries.
Among traditional beers guests could taste the quince, forest fruits and banana flavoured beers as well during the four-day-long event in Buda Castle. The two main venues of the event will be in the gardens Oroszlános and Hunyadi in Buda Castle. Interestingly, the latest beer of Kapucinus brewery can also be tasted which contains about 50% alcohol. Furthermore, one of the main attractions of the festival will be the Imperial Stout beer by the Zip’s Brewhouse. This beer has been awarded with a silver prize in an Irish International Competition recently. Those visitors who prefer mild flavours could taste Cider drinks at the Cider Liget pavilion and others who prefer Gypsy music could enjoy it at the Balkán Kert pavilion.
According to the official website, this year the Czech Republic – which has wide range of beer – is invited to show its special beers to the visitors. Anyone who comes to the event could taste more than 200 different types of beers and get to know more about special Hungarian craft beers and traditional ones as well. Moreover, Belgian, English as well as Irish and Dutch beers will also participate in the event of Buda Castle district.
This year the musical palette – which is wider than ever before- is also expanding. Thus the audience could choose that music which suits their interests the best. Sheyla Bonnic – from the well-known Boney M band – will give a performance as well as noted and famous Hungarian singers like Caramel and Majka&Curtis. Moreover, the Hungarian stars of the nineties – such as the Animal Cannibals and Kozmix – will also give a concert on the 4th Budavár Beer Festival.
Visitors and beer drinkers could enjoy the high-quality beer in 4dl glass pints and everybody can choose tasting portions to avoid being drunk.
Ticket prices remain HUF1999 which includes the first pint of beer, too.
Photo: Facebook – facebook.com/budavarisorfesztival
Source: http://www.budavarisorfesztival.hu/