Jobbik: PM Orbán stigmatizes the leader of a religious community
Mr András Heisler, the President of the Federation of Hungarian Jewish Communities (Mazsihisz) issued a press release in response to Viktor Orbán’s statements to hold Mr Heisler and Mazsihisz accountable for the fact that the opposition parties nominated Jobbik’s László Bíró as their joint candidate.
Jobbik believes that the statements in President Heisler’s release are correct. It is exemplary how Mazsihisz as a religious organization respects the diverse political preferences of its followers. László Bíró has made intolerable statements in the past, for which he apologized.
Everybody has the right to either accept or reject this apology, the leaders of the Hungarian opposition parties accepted it. The party hopes that Mr President has received the party’s Declaration of Principles which they consider as the guideline for the members of the party and community. As they have laid out in this declaration, the people’s party Jobbik rejects any hatemongering and extremist political ideologies that are contrary to Christian teachings and morals.
On the other hand, they find it unacceptable that Viktor Orbán, on account of his petty, self-serving political interests, stigmatizes and scapegoats the leader of a religious community, holding him responsible for a political candidate whose campaign is completely independent of him.
Persecution is just a step away from here. In their opinion, Fidesz President Orbán’s underhanded hypocrisy, despite its pathetic obviousness, is extremely dangerous as it blends the machinated stigmatization of the blamed person with the deliberate incitement of anti-Semitism among the followers of the Hungarian governing parties, with an all-out support of the public and government media.
This is a particularly untoward act from a Prime Minister who constantly abuses his power; whose government conducts a barely concealed anti-Semitic campaign on the pretext of “defending” Hungary from George Soros and whose fellow party members and MPs have made numerous racist and anti-Semitic comments over the past years without any consequences.
They have been doing so in the Prime Minister’s complicit silence and without any show of remorse or any apology…
Jobbik wants to remind the public that Viktor Orbán has given awards to such individuals with openly anti-Semitic views as Ernő Raffay, Kornél Döbrentei, Zsolt Bayer or Mihály Takaró, for example.
Read alsoJobbik: Orbán ‘incapable’ of acting as a democrat
Source: Jobbik Press Release
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