Kids to visit the Budapest Zoo for free for a few days reports that the Budapest Zoo is busy preparing all sorts of family activities for these upcoming days: there will be trainings, a memory game, pumpkin carving and more. Visitors are welcomed with great discounts during the long-weekend and the autumn break.
One of the special offers of the Zoo is the provision of free entry for kids under 14 between October 29 and November 6. But pensioners are also welcomed with discounts until the end of November: they can buy tickets for less than half of the normal price, which means a cost of 1000 HUF instead of 2200 HUF.
The Zoo is organising a set of programmes for the aforementioned period: guests are awaited by animal shows and trainings, feeding sessions, every day. The events include the feeding of giant anteaters, otters and keas, but koalas and sea lions will also show themselves.
[button link=”” color=”orange” newwindow=”yes”] The Budapest Zoo is 150 years old this year![/button]
October 31 brings another special event, as a Halloween playhouse with memory games, pumpkin tic-tac-toe and carving, arcade games and face paints will be available for visitors at the Magic Mountain.
Recently a 1.5 hundredweight giant pumpkin was given to the Zoo, as a gift, by a primary producer from Agárd, and can already be seen on the main square. Moreover, the Zoo advertises the visiting of the recently-born little animals, such as the grey wallaroos, Meerkat cubs, giant anteaters, and the baby pandas.
Copy editor: bm