State secretary Kovács: Antifa activist’s father launched unfounded political attacks against Hungary

The government “has a plain duty” to protect Hungary’s reputation and institutions against “unfounded political attacks” which were launched by the father of antifa activist Ilaria Salis, the state secretary in charge of international relations and communications said in a video statement on Facebook on Thursday.

Zoltán Kovács said the father of antifa activist Ilaria Salis “has launched a series of unfounded political attacks against Hungary in the international press and in the European Parliament.”

Kovács said that Salis, who is now in detention in Hungary, and her accomplices had come to the country to launch premeditated attacks against people “they thought to be Fascist”. They attacked people in the street “from behind so [the victims] had no chance of protecting themselves, causing them serious injuries,” he said.

Salis’s father “has toured the whole Western European and American press; he even got into the European Parliament and expressed serious, unfounded accusations… We cannot ignore them,” Kovács said.

Salis’s father, he added, had politicised his daughter’s case, and “now he is surprised that he gets political responses” to his unfounded claims, the state secretary said.

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  1. Welcome to the regime that pardons its pedophile friends, has nazi squads harassing people in courthouse buildings, and keeps 14 months in a rats-infested filthy jail a woman who is merely accused of maybe taking part in an alleged brawl. So far no evidence, only suspects. But that does not matter to the regime, what matters to the dictator and his primitive gang of yes-men is s to give their nazi supporters some scapegoat. Welcome to Orbánistan, a member ( yes! Hard to believe… ) of the European Union. If it was not tragic, it would be a joke. But, after all, sedly this is what Hungary has become: a joke.

  2. The father should have reared a society contributing adult instead of a criminal. How can the father justify his daughter’s action of attacking strangers in a foreign country. Of course, the father cannot justify his daughter’s action, because bad parenting is the main cause. This criminal belongs in jail and should be kept there so that she will not hurt or murder any innocent civilian.

  3. The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. It’s very clear that father and daughter are criminals and they have to be accountable for their criminal behaviour.

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