Law students of ELTE triumphant in Washington

A group of law students from Eötvös Lóránd University participated in Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition and they have won the category of combined defendant and plaintiff speech, reported.
The Hungarian students were competing in a highly strong group: they needed to beat the national bests from Germany, Republic of Ireland, France, Canada, India, China and Australia.
They were also facing the selected teams of excellent American universities like Yale, Berkeley, NYU, King’s College and UCL.
During the contest, the teams had to examine a 25 pages long record of a legal case, then write the arguments of both their defendant and the plaintiff. Each of them had to submit 60-70 pages long documents in English, for which they had about five months between September and January.
Their rhetoric skills were also tested, as they had to perform speeches in 45 minutes in English in front of a court of three judges. These speeches turned into discussions and debates with the court after a while. The competition was challenging as the contenders had to prove themselves on the field of legal knowledge, rhetoric skills, quick adaptation to the situation and the ethics of debate.
Jessup International Law Moot Court Competition has been the most prestigious international competition for law students during the past 60 years.
It was named after successful American diplomat and jurist Philip Caryl Jessup. 600 teams attended the international competition from about 100 countries.
We congratulate ELTE’s team: Gergő Balázs, Barbara Bazánth, Zoltan Buda, Olívia Németh and Dzsenifer Orosz.