Transport minister Lázár: Hungarians will always be right
Minister of construction and transport János Lázár told an event in the Hungarian Opera House of Cluj-Napoca (Kolozsvár), commemorating the 68th anniversary of the 1956 anti-Soviet uprising, that “it is worth paying attention to the Hungarian people because Hungarians are eventually always right”.
Lázár said, “this was the case in 1848, in 1956, and it will be the same in 2024”. All national holidays, he said, carried the message of national cohesion. “Hungarians bound by their language, culture and history always lived in minority, but instead of self-abandonment, this taught them that they can only rely on themselves,” he added.

Gulyás: 1956 belongs to whole Hungarian nation
The majority of the fighting took place in Budapest but 1956 was an outstanding Hungarian achievement that belonged not only to the capital but the whole of the Hungarian nation, the head of the prime minister’s office said in Miercurea Ciuc (Csíkszereda) on Wednesday.
Gergely Gulyás told a commemorative event at the Gloria Victis memorial in Miercurea Ciuc in Szeklerland, marking the 68th anniversary of the 1956 anti-Soviet uprising, that “the reception of the 1956 revolution beyond the borders demonstrated that the mother country’s unfaithfulness to the nation, inspired by the internationalists during Communism, did not end up destroying national cohesion”.
Hunor Kelemen, the leader of the Democratic Alliance of Hungarians in Romania (RMDSZ), told the event that even if Transylvanian Hungarians were freer now than 68 years ago, their freedom was still under threat. “Just as the heroes of the Hungarian freedom fight risked their lives fighting for the future of their nation, we must also fight for a free future,” he added.
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History NEVER Lies.
This blokes knowledge of History is APPALLING.
Hungary, we have a HISTORY of SIDING with the WRONG side.
Post 1918 – somewhat of a “recent” example, then WHAT factually, the Orban – Fidesz Government have COMMITTED us to at this immediate time – the WRONG losing side.
Maintains his “lost” cause does the Minister of Transport, who is likened to the Minister of Finance – Mihaly Varga – a “Square Peg in a Round Hole” – one dimensional THINKER – that’s is WRONG.
By 1989-90 at the end of the socialist regime there was much more freedom of speech in Hungary than there is today. That is sadly how low Fidesz has brought the country. It persecutes everyone who is in opposition.
“Always right” is hardly a summary of Hungarian history.