Learn Hungarian While Sleeping!

Swiss researchers came up with a new language learning method that might be useful for many language learners: they say that listening to new words in the target language while sleeping enables students to fix them more, hvg.hu reports.

The scientists of two universities have examined the connection between the process of learning a foreign language, and sleeping. They found that one part of the learning process – namely vocabulary enhancement – is much more effective if it is acquired while sleeping.

Unfortunately, this does not mean that cramming can be avoided, one can only obtain a good command of a language with a lot of revisions, drills and with practice. Many extend their vocabularies by listening to recorded texts and items of vocabulary, and this method is what scientists propose learners to improve, with sleeping during the process. The findings have been verified by students, one group of whom were asked to stay awake after listening to a lesson, and revise the material, while another group of learners were asked to revise while sleeping. After this, all of the participants were tested, and those who were sleeping while listening to the revision performed significantly better in the test.

Hvg.hu said, language learning had always been in the focus of scientific interest, one American researcher even predicted that in 30 years time, learners will only have to take a pill, which will help them acquire the whole language.

Whether this will happen or not, those who are planning to learn Hungarian, now have many ways to study, and considering that Hungarian is one of the most difficult languages, those who want to master it will indeed need the help of science.

based on article of hvg.hu 
translated by Laura Kocsis

Photo: faceportal.hu

Source: http://hvg.hu/

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