The list of the most influential women in Hungary

According to, Forbes put together the list of the 50 most influential Hungarian women in its April issue. They covered the fields of business, culture, media and public figures.

Out of business decision makers, MÁV Inc.’s head is the leader on the list. Ilona Dávid is the employer of 18 thousand people, and according to data from 2015, she leads a corporation with an income of 153 billion forints (~EUR 494m). She has an economist diploma, and started her career as the accountant of Spar. It seems like Spar Hungary likes to employ women, because the head of the supermarket network nowadays is Gabriella Heiszler, who is in the 4th place of the list. She’s been leading the corporation with an income of 414 billion forints (~EUR 1336m) for two years.

Ilona Dávid

The silver medallist of the business list is the managing director of Henkel, Ágnes Fábián, while the bronze medallist is Éva Hegedüs, the president-managing director of Gránit Bank. It’s interesting that the magazine even published the number of LinkedIn acquaintances.

Among others, the list of the top 20 Hungarian business women includes top managers like Edina Heal, the country director of Google Hungary (5th), Zsófia Bánhegyi, the new deputy managing director of the Hungarian Touristic Agency and the former communications director of Telekon (8th), Zsuzsa Beke, Richter Gedeon Nyrt.’s PR, governmental relations and communications director (10th), Bernadett Tátrai, the president-managing director of Fundamenta Home Savings Bank (12th), and Írisz Lippai-Nagy, the manager of the American Chamber of Commerce.

The most influential media personality is still Gabriella Vidus, the leader of RTL Hungary. She is followed by Gabriella Halkó, who has an economic-strategic director role at TV2 and is the leader of Apropó Média, the biggest subcontractor of the public television.

Fanni Kaminsky is in the third place, and is the editor of the prime minister’s Facebook page and issues other communication tasks. Then comes the editor-in-chief of the market leader women’s magazine (Nők lapja), Andrea Vékási, and the popular reporter Olga Kálmán. The biggest female opinion leader of Facebook, Réka Rubint (880 thousand followers) is also listed (10th).

Réka Rubint

The first six person on the list of public figures are all related to the government in some way. The leader is still Anikó Lévai, Viktor Orbán’s wife. She is followed by Réka Szemerkényi who represents Hungary in Washington as an ambassador. The third is Karas Mónika, the president of the National Media and Infocommunications Authority.

The list also features the president of the Hungarian Judicial Office, Tünde Handó, who is also the wife of Fidesz’ EP representative József Szájer, and the director of the House of Terror, Mária Schmidt, who’s recently been interested in media investments. The 7th figure on the list is three time Olympic Champion Katinka Hosszú.

Katinka Hosszú

It’s interesting that parliamentary party representatives didn’t make it onto the list, but one of the members of the new political organisation, Momentum’s directorate, Anna Orosz (8th) and the leaders of two legal aid NGOs (Stefánia Kapronczay – Hungarian Civil Liberties Union, Márta Pardavi – Hungarian Helsinki Committee) did.

The most influential woman in the field of culture is Ágnes Havas, the managing director of the Hungarian National Film Fund. She is followed by Katalin Spengler, who is a leading figure in Hungarian contemporary art collecting along with her husband, Zsolt Somlói. She is the member of the East European Acquisition Committee in Tate Modern and Centre Pompidou.

They are followed by the director of the biggest Hungarian prose theatre, Enikő Eszenyi, but Forbes also thinks that legendary actress Mari Törőcsik is one of the most influential women. The 6th is Judit Virág, the founder-owner of one of the most significant Hungarian auction houses. The last two figures on the top 10 list are two producers, Ági Pataki and Mária Rosta.

Photos: Wikimedia,ág, RubintRékaoldala, KatinkaHosszú

Ce: bm


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