Major changes on Budapest airport shuttle 100E in January

23 bus drivers from the Philippines, hired by Arrivabus Ltd., a contracted partner of Budapest Transport Centre (BKK), will start work in January. The Filipino drivers have been assigned to the direct airport shuttle service 100E.

Népszava has learned that the 23 Filipino drivers were assigned to the direct airport service 100E. As they write, Arriva, which operates a third of the capital’s buses, about 450 vehicles, with the help of Pannonjob Ltd. and a local partner, looked for suitable candidates in the Southeast Asian country.

A local pre-screening process selected a hundred suitable applicants who arrived in Hungary in November to undergo two months of cultural and professional training before starting work.

The professional exams required to work in Europe will be taken in English, and the drivers will also talk to the dispatchers in English. A separate module will prepare them for “incident management”: e.g. if a passenger gets sick or an obstacle gets in their way, Népszava reports. Under the new rules, guest workers will be allowed to stay in Hungary for 2+1 years.

Gábor Naszályi, president of the Unified Transport Union (Egységes Közlekedési Szakszervezet), told Népszava that Filipino drivers could first be employed on the 100E flights, which are mainly used by tourists, “because there it is less conspicuous if they only communicate in English”.

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