McDonald’s get huge fines for misleading ads in Hungary

On Wednesday the Hungarian the Competition Authority fined fast-food giant McDonald’s around 50,000 euros ($68,000) for giving consumers “false information”, saying it failed to mention its chicken products contained skin, Global Post reports.

According to Global Post, “Between January 1 2012 and February 12 2013, the firm gave false information on the meat content of its products and on how they were prepared,” said the Competition Authority in a statement.

Global Post said, McDonald’s told Hungarian newspaper Nepszabadsag that minced skin was commonly used to keep chicken meat from drying, and the term “chicken meat” was wide-ranging.

Read more HERE.



One comment

  1. common ! its more misleading to put article stating that McDonalds received HUGE fines, then the fact that skins were included. HUGE fines are equal probably to one restaurant’s 2-3 days income, if not less? Its ridiculous! they should fine them for 1-2 M USD, and then maybe they will start (again i say – start ) to consider changing anything. The income received by including the skins in all McDonalds restaurants BY FAR exceeds the fine of 50,000 EUR! Customer protection is joke in this case, and pls dont mention HUGE fines…

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