MEP Deutsch: ‘Stand up for Hungarian interests in Brussels!’
The head of the Fidesz delegation in the European Parliament, Tamás Deutsch, posted a video statement on Tuesday accusing Brussels of “abusing its powers” by launching proceedings against Hungary, and calling on Hungarians to fill in National Consultation questionnaires and thereby send a message to Brussels that they “stand up for Hungarian interests”.
Deutsch said the issue of migration would again dominate politics in Europe following the pandemic. “Scandalously,” Brussels regards countries that accept migrants as following the rule of law, he said, accusing the European Union of blackmailing member states that oppose immigration by threatening to withhold funding.
The Fidesz MEP also accused the EU of resorting to “the same anti-democratic tricks” in connection with Hungary’s child protection law when it attempted to “force illegal migrants on Hungary”.
Because the government refused to cave in to ideological expectations and decided to protect children instead, “they have attacked Hungary yet again,” he said.
Read alsoOrbán cabinet: Islamophobia often gets more attention than the persecution of Christians
Source: MTI
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As usual, Tamas Deutsch is 100% correct in his assessment of Brussels / the European Commission / the European Parliament.
It is about time that these corrupt – and totally inept – institutions are shown collective ‘middle fingers’ by the VOTING CITIZENS of Hungary (which by definition EXCLUDES ‘pribeks’ like “Mario” & “Norbert”).
For the sake of both your ancestors who gave their lives for Hungary and your descendants, keep Hungary safe and do not let these non-elected politicians rule your country by edict.