The European Union’s Post-Cotonou agreement with Caribbean and Pacific states is “a new madness”, the “EU version of the UN pact on migration”, Foreign Minister Péter Szijjártó said after the Budapest Migration Conference on Friday.
Szijjártó told a press conference that the UN pact, which was “forced through in 2018”, declared migration a basic human right and that all countries were source, transit and destination countries at once. The new partnership agreement Brussels plans to accept as a replacement of the Cotonou Agreement with African, Caribbean and Pacific states which expired in 2020,
would create new migration channels,
he said. Meanwhile, the EU is keeping mandatory resettlement quotas on the agenda, albeit under different names, he said.
Hungary reserves the right to “opt out of migration procedures”, and sees a right to live safely in one’s own homeland as a basic human right, he said. Migration poses significant
health, security and cultural risks,
and there is a direct connection between migration and terrorism, he said. He warned of the danger of parallel societies, and said that migration sped up the spread of the coronavirus pandemic, as most immigrants came from countries with low inoculation rates.
“The EU should protect itself rather than landing its citizens with even bigger problems,” he said. Currently, the continent is
under migration pressure from three sides,
and the situation is expected to deteriorate, he said.
The argument for migration as a source of workforce, he said, was “painfully simplistic”, and didn’t bear scrutiny “when the EU should be solving the problems” of “tens and hundreds of thousands” of people who had lost their jobs, he said.
Hungary already stopped 110,000 migrants at its southern border this year,
Szijjártó said. “If it was up to Brussels, those immigrants would already be here,” he said.
Michael Spindelegger, Director-General of the International Centre for Migration Policy Development, said that the number of migrants to Europe grew this year on all migration routes except the eastern Mediterranean.
Some 250,000 Afghan asylum seekers are expected to arrive next year,
who might sweep others with them on their way to Europe and thus create a crisis reminiscent of the 2015 situation, he said.
Read alsoIs migration and terrorism linked?
Source: MTI
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Brussels never learns. It is time for Brussels to insist on legal migration. Most countries export (dump) the unwanted citizens. Think how many Afghans in 2015 could not read or write in their own language. Accepting uneducated adults is tantamount to accepting pre kindergarten children. They require total support for at least 12 years. Most young men become illegal migrants at the hight of their sexual desire and activity. Most EU women do not find these men attractive. The result is violent rape. Most illegal migrants from the Middle-East consider women as possession. This results a rise in violence against these women as they are learning from their western sisters that they are equal to men. Due to the difficulty of assimilation, many illegal migrants turn to crime. There, now, is such things as beheadings in France.
Legal immigration must be restores as entry to the EU. Every European country has sovereignty, therefore, no country should be forced to accept legal or illegal migrants.
Third world countries should be helped to further develop. This is not possible with countries where religion keeps them 600 years behind western civilizations.
Whatever side of the fence one sits upon, the 1951 Geneva Convention and subsequent 1967 Protocol are International Law, like it or not.
The EU should listen to Szijjártó but they are too stupid and suicidal to heed his warnings.
History teaches us that the ancient empires of past were not defeated by outside armies but fall apart after they allowed people hostile to their culture to come in and destroy them from within.
The Roman Empire is a very good example. It is happening to America and most of the Western world.
A society only stays civilised if the laws in the country are followed and law breakers are caught and punished.
We all have laws that we personally dislike. In my case I dislike the mask laws BUT I follow them out of respect for society.
A migrant who enters Hungary has instantly shown disrespect and disregard for Hungarian society. That migrant by his very actions has planned a criminal offence. ( note I mean migrants not asylum seekers.)
In many cases they have destroyed their own identity papers to hide where they have come from.
If you allow a migrant in without any penalty for breaking the law how can anyone expect them to show respect for other laws?
If there is a significant part of the population ignore the laws the civil disorder and crime will increase. We have seen that in Sweden, France Germany etc.
History continues refer the “message” in Istvans commentary, that countries that have no balance, open door policies in there Immigration – Migration practices – historically are Fragmented – Splintered – that witnesses them being DESTROYED from within.
Hungary – the “vision” that never lacks facts of explanation, the Political Platform, and part of him, his “core” – we as Hungarian are blessed, to have Victor Orban as our Prime Minister and Leader of the Fidesz Party.
Hungary – will under Orban – for our Future – Ensure – the retainement of our Sovereignty, and blessed we are, that the “Strong & Visionary Man of European Politics” – that we will NOT get or be “taken over” or “swamped” – by – Uncontrolled & Unbalanced – Immigration/Migration.
History – Germany under the past Chancellor – Angela Merkel – the decision to open itself – the devastation within sectors or all of German society, to Immigration/Migration – in 2015 – of 1.1 million “asylum” seekers – split and caused , to the end of Merkels Chancellorship in December 2021 – near on (6) six years, massive Political unrest, Fragmentation, Division, Separation, Annoyance and Frustration within Germany – its population of 84 million.
The people of Germany – in the change of Government, the newly appointed Chancellor of Germany, from a “differant” side of Political DNA than Merkal – they did not forget to cast there vote REMEMBERING – the Wrongness – in the 2015 Merkel decision to allow 1.1 million “asylum” seekers into Germany.
Germany – continues to pay the Price – in this decision – Heavily – in its Society/Country.
The European Union – Migration Pact – without application to Political Academia but driven through History of Immigration/Migration – on a Global scale, if the European Union pact – was embraced by the majority of the countries that are the European Union = 27 members states – it would SIMPLE be PERILOUS for Europe.
History – NEVER Lies.
Orban – will not waver nor soften – the Rightfullness of his position, his views on Immigration/Migration – that Hungary – we should SUPPORT – for our Future.
Bruce makes reference to a very Valid point and that is the NEED – to the practice and following of Laws in a country out of – Respect.
Respect – could be explained, that in large numbers personal reason(s) opinions of disagreement with particular Mandatory Laws and “other” – but out of Obedience & Respect – they/we – ahear to be Law(s) – that sees overall – that rightfully they be termed as Law abiding Citizens.
In the accepting of a person, to become a Resident or a Citizen of a Country – you “sign off” agreeing that you will – Adhere – to the Laws of that Country – to live by them, under them – and ensure you practice them – in your lifestyle, as a Resident or a Citizen.
Pretty elementary in the requested conduct – the Respect – requested to newly accepted and arrived Residents or Civilians – into a country.
Live by the Laws of a Country and if they differ, through cultural,religious or “other” variations – Respect and Live by them – as Law Abiding Individuals – driven by Respect.
If Laws are broken and Judgement proven under Judical process – “do the crime you pay the time” – which in cases, means being deported back to where you came, which has its problems, if the country and Hungary do not have extradiction/expulsion agreement.
Hungary can make “other” arrangents – fairly certain of that – and send those perpetraitors – non Law abiding individuals – on there way ///.
Respect – paramount – otherwise – live with the Laws or MOVE on.
@The Truth, yet the Dublin Convention also mentions that asylum seekers must apply in the first safe country. Now you tell me, who is really breaking the law? Let’s be honest, the Hungarian government should give/consider asylum to those who are honest and transparent by applying for asylum in the first safe country and not the ones who are breaking the law by trying to sneak through.