National security committee calls for stricter international regulations on SIM cards

Budapest (MTI) – Members of parliament’s national security committee said on Wednesday that stricter international regulations or at least pan-European regulations were needed for the purchase of unregistered SIM cards.
Several members told the press after a meeting of the committee that even if Hungary introduced security restrictions, organized criminal gangs would still be able to buy pay-as-you-go cards in other European countries.
Committee head Zsolt Molnár, of the opposition Socialists, said that Hungary plans to introduce rules that allow only a limited number of SIM cards to be bought by private individuals or companies.
Deputy head Szilárd Németh, of the ruling Fidesz, said that the number is planned to be limited to 20 for private individuals and 100 for companies.
According to recent press reports, organized criminals obtained large quantities of SIM cards in Hungary, many of which are believed to have ended up in the hands of terrorists.
Ádám Mirkóczki of opposition Jobbik noted consensus among the parliamentary groups of parties, the interior ministry, authorities and mobile service providers on the need to amend rules in an effort “to eliminate loopholes”.
LMP’s Bernadett Szél welcomed the proposal to change the regulations, saying that her party agreed with making security a priority. LMP will be a partner and support the enactment of new regulations, she said.
Source: MTI