The new bridge built over the River Tisza is unique in Europe – PHOTOS

The new bridge inaugurated this week has elliptical pylons, which is unique in Hungary. It was built within the framework of a motorway extension project. The M44 expressway was expanded between Lakitelek and Tiszakürt, and this bridge is probably the construction’s most spectacular part.

Unique bridge in Europe over the River Tisza

According to the statement of the National Infrastructure Developing Private Limited Company (NIF Zrt.), the new expressway aims to improve the accessibility of the south-eastern corner of the country. Furthermore, it would provide a high-quality link between the central parts of Hungary and Békéscsaba. With the handover of the new segment between Lakitelek and Tiszakürt, a 90-kilometre section has been finished of the M44 expressway, writes

Bridge Tisza river
MTI/Csaba Bús

The longest segment of the road between Tiszakürt and Kondoros (61.5 km) has been in use since October 2019. In December 2020, NIF Zrt. finished a 17.6 km part between Kondoros and Békéscsaba. Now, a 10-kilometre-long segment is ready with

2X2 lanes and without a hard shoulder.

Bridge Tisza river
MTI/Csaba Bús

Elliptical pylons

Probably the most spectacular element of the project is the new bridge over the River Tisza near Tiszaug. It is the fourth 4-lane bridge over the river. The length of the bridge is 556 metres, while the

distance between its two pillars is 152 metres.

The bridge’s structure is unique in Europe because of its elliptical pylons, Helló Magyar said.

Thanks to the current development, the M44 expressway links three counties: Békés, Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok and Bács-Kiskun. Cars and buses will be allowed to use the new road for free already from January. László Mosóczi, the secretary of the Ministry for Innovation and Technology responsible for transport, said that

90 kilometres of the expressway would remain free of charge.

The development cost HUF 51.3 bn (EUR 140 million) paid by the Ministry. The contractor was Duna Aszfalt Ltd.

Bridge Tisza river

Source:, Helló Magyar

One comment

  1. The elliptical elements are not called ‘gates’. They are Pylons or Bridge Towers. In this case, being slender structures, the term pylons would be usually used.

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