News portals, social media most read on Hungarians’ smartphones

Budapest, January 25 (MTI) – News portals and social media sites are what Hungarians read the most on their smartphones, according to a survey by eNet and Telekom.

The representative survey of a sample of more than 1,000 internet users showed 86 percent of Hungarians use their smartphones to read news portals, while 80 percent use them to visit social media sites. Fully 39 percent read electronic newspapers or magazines on their phones, while 29 percent read blogs and just 14 percent read ebooks.

The most visited news portal in Hungary is Index, with 64 percent of internet-using smartphone owners saying they read the site. Runner-up is Origo (55 percent), followed by Hir24 (45 percent) and HVG (40 percent).

Source: MTI/eNET and Telekom

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