Now you can taste the colours of the Hungarian flag!
Red, white and green foods are expected at the cooking contest of the Hungarian national cohesion. The finals will be held in Felcsút from where PM Viktor Orbán comes.
According to the motto of the contest, the feeling of national cohesion reaches our stomach. This will be the theme of the Food of Hungary 2020 competition for which the organiser, Diet Association of Hungarian Chefs (Étrend Magyar Konyhafőnökök Egyesülete) awaits applications until January 5 – reported.
Based on the instructions, all meals have to be prepared of no more than five elements and
three of them have to be red, white and green,
the colours of the Hungarian national flag. For example, the contestants can use red pepper, cottage cheese and a green vegetable for their final product.
István Asztalos, head of the association said that the jury would seek tradition, modernity and cunning in the meals. This year, however, the chefs have only 3 hours to prepare their work, not 4 like in 2019. Furthermore, they would like meals that can be prepared even in average-equipped kitchens and in great quantities. Finally,
the cost of the ingredients cannot exceed the threshold of 1,000 HUF (3 EUR).
Bence Rétvári, Parliamentary State Secretary at the Ministry of Human Capacities, added that they are glad because more and more Hungarians eat vegetables and fruits regularly thanks to the measures of the Hungarian government and the rising wages. For example, they introduced higher taxes on unhealthy types of food like chips.
The venue of the contest will be the János Letenyey Vocational School in Felcsút, a village close to Budapest where the Hungarian PM, Viktor Orbán, comes from.
The 2019 Food of Hungary was the röfögő (grunt) of Hajdú-Bihar which is a roll made of Mangalica (a traditional Hungarian pig breed, details HERE) filled with tarragon cream and green peas mousse with carrot marinated in Tokaj Vinaigrette, carrot jelly, saffron, shallot and parsley sauce.
As we reported before, the Hungarian Parliament approved a proposal to declare 2020 a Year of National Cohesion to mark the 100th anniversary of the post-WWI Trianon Peace Treaty. Under the treaty signed on June 4, 1920, two-thirds of Hungary’s territory and 60 pc of its population were ceded to neighbouring countries. There are more than 2 million Hungarians who live even today in the neighbouring countries that do not regard them as equal citizens, so the whole issue acts as the source of many problems even nowadays.