Number of illegal entrants on southern border up significantly
The number of illegal entrants on the border between Hungary and Serbia has grown significantly in recent weeks compared with earlier trends, the prime minister’s chief domestic security advisor said on Wednesday, adding, however, that the number of border violations was not excessively high.
The authorities apprehended 70 people on the southern border this past weekend, György Bakondi told public television M1, adding that more than 3,700 migrants have been caught so far this year. Bakondi said some people smuggling groups had gone back to trying to smuggle migrants across the Hungarian border, explaining that this route was important to them because by coming in this direction, migrants had to cross fewer borders on their way to western Europe than if they took the Balkan route.
He said the government was closely monitoring information concerning illegal migration coming from the Greek-Turkish border and was prepared to keep protecting the border even under more difficult circumstances. Meanwhile, Bakondi said more and more European countries, including Denmark, the United Kingdom and Germany, were planning to tighten their immigration policies. He said many European countries now thought they had too many migrants who were receiving too many benefits. At the same time, he added, the public was becoming “politically impatient seeing the many crimes and terrorist attacks” committed by migrants over the last ten years, as reflected in this year’s European parliamentary elections.
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Of course they are up, Victor let 2000 trafficers out of jail.
If so many people are managing to penetrate the border fortifications it would imply that they’re not working efficiently. Combined with the proposal to ship migrants directly to Brussels, I’d suggest that Hungary isn’t protecting Europe from irregular migration, it’s using the issue as a political football. Combined with the mass release of people traffickers from Hungarian prisons, it would appear that Hungary is happy to see migratory pressures build up elsewhere in Europe where these people inevitably end up, only to then point to the consequences in other countries, while enjoying the relative sanctuary of Hungary where no migrants want to settle anyway.
If the EU does not want uneducated migrants, it should enact appropriate laws across all countries. The EU has no business forcing small countries to accept the garbage of the world.
What laws do you suggest? Illegal migration is already illegal.
Hungary should start protecting Europe’s frontier properly and deal with people traffickers in a manner than they do in other countries, by incarcerating them where they cannot do any further harm.