Orbán: a witch hunt against Hungary is ongoing
“The international Left is again attacking Hungary on the basis of false claims,” ruling Fidesz told MTI on Wednesday.
Zsolt Németh, head of the Hungarian delegation in the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, and delegation member Lőrinc Nacsa said in a joint statement that the leftist majority of the assembly, “supported by Hungary’s leftist representatives”, had adopted a report on Hungary earlier in the day which they said was a “biased, political indictment riddled with factual mistakes”.
The report, they insisted, was aimed at making Hungary scrap its child protection law. The report “is in conflict with the CoE’s goals and hinders dialogue based on mutual respect”, the representatives said.
Read alsoOrbán: I knew before the war that something was wrong with Putin
Source: MTI
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Comment as you may, but the European Union, the POWER of their VOICE have SPOKEN.
“The Die has been Cast” – and the Global World rightfully can quote the opinion of the European Union, when the name of Hungary, that still is operating under a dictatorial governed styled agenda, by its Prime Minister – Victor Orban, is discussed.
“Hungary no longer is Governed under DEMOCRACY.”
That was growing believed rightfully to a large extent GLOBALLY – before the position of the European Union announcement, was BROADCAST out officially to the Global World.
Reforms – Answers of Hungary’s future in the European Union, extension granted to December 2022 for them to “table” their future plans in the European Union, and NO funding prior to that date, the DEMANDS on the Orban Government of Hungary – HUMONGOUS.
How does Orban/Hungary – keep their Economy functioning?
The componentry of Hungary’s economy continues in a perilous decline.
Hungary – when the name is mentioned Globally, the “Die Cast” by the European Union, dominates discussions.
AHHH the old “fake news” and “witchhunt” the favorite chant of Victor’s close friend Donald Trump. How is that going for Trump now? Victor is in so deep that he can’t get out now, no matter how much he cries. Again he brings up the child “protection” law, which we all know is a red meat issue that his ilk has lied about since the begining. The only pediphiles in Hungary are straight men with underaged girls and he knows it! Just stop stealing and Hungary can start to recover from the current economic mess, But maybe he can’t, maybe he had debts to pay . . . . Trapped like a rat in a maze.
Hungary itself is not under attack. Viktor Orban’s racism, homophobia, corruption, lies, dictatorship and media manipulation is what’s under scrutiny. Hiding behind the ‘child protection law’. No wonder he started up his Twitter account, he can shout ‘witch hunt’ a little louder, along with all his ‘fake news’ and ‘false claims’! Wonder if he looks on tango-faced Trump’s Truth Social for inspiration!
And where’s this pointless waste of money national consultation we’re supposed to be getting with its leading questions and manipulated statements that he knows we’ll all vote 100% on wanting to stop EU sanctions on Russia.
Ah. The International Left. Soros lapdogs. Liberal Elite. Brussels Bureaucrats. LGBTQ lobby. Always an invisible Enemy to fight!