Orbán believes EU wants to set up ‘migrant ghettos’

The European Union wants to oblige Hungary to set up “migrant ghettos” and take in up to 10,000 migrants each year, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Friday.
Orbán told public radio in an interview that the government would fight such plans and refuse to carry them out.
He called it “revolting” that a decision on the migration quota system had been “forced through” the council of EU interior ministers “like a coup”.
The prime minister said the Soros network likely stood in the background of the decision. Referring to US financier George Soros having transferred control of his network of NGOs to his son, he said that after the “change of guard” a new generation was now politically more active.
Below is his interview from this morning:
Do we want a few “Malmo, Sweden” here in Hungary? Places so dangerous that the police and armies refuse to enter? It will happen if the Soros puppets in Brussels get their way. I still would like to ask…why does Hungary want to be part of a European Union that seeks to destroy its Hungarian culture and values? I am still waiting for that answer. I pray everyday that the EU falls apart or Hungary comes to its senses and leaves. Hungary has no good future in the EU because sooner or later some globalist puppet like Marki-Zay will get elected in the future and give away the store and destroy Hungary.
Just watch Paris actuality:
A young Arabic delinquent shot by the Police and it’s almost the civil War, the ethnomasochist leftist in French gouvernement makes 1 minute of silence for this drug dealer death, but did nothing for Lola 12 years, raped and cut into pieces by an immigrate woman under obligation to leave the country. We can hate Fidez and Orban as we are asked to be by all media who claims there’s no freedom of press in Hungary but we need them to not live the horror that happened in the pro immigration country run by leftist so called progressist like Sweden, France, Germany, Belgium, etc.