Orbán cabinet does not want gender propaganda in schools

“No matter what methods are used to attack the National Consultation survey and the government’s position, the government maintains that it does not want war, immigration or gender propaganda in schools,” the Government Information Centre (KTK) said on Friday in reaction to complaints filed against the public survey.
“The left-wing politicians and activists who have filed complaints against the National Consultation are the same ones who, with their funding from abroad, have made it clear dozens of times that they are not looking out for Hungary’s interests,” the office said in a statement.
They said the “foreign-funded left” supported weapons deliveries and the European Union’s migration pact, and wanted to scrap Hungary’s child protection law.
“We stand by the position that only the Hungarian people can decide on their own future,” KTK said, adding that this was supported by the results of the government’s survey.
Read also:
- Hungarian Catholic Church goes against Pope Francis concerning blessing same-sex couples
- Sziget Festival in trouble: government office investigation over LGBTQ video – Read more HERE
New York Times Shows the Teens Victimized by Transgenderism
The New York Times bucked powerful pressure from the transgender lobby to showcase some of the teenagers who were pushed and harmed by irreversible surgery and body-changing hormones.
People who advocate for trans surgery and hormone treatment should find the above-named article; they may change their position quickly.
Hungary must stay firm and protect all young people.
Surely no right-thinking human being wants deviant propaganda in schools. Indoctrinating kids that a man can be a woman or a dolphin if he says he is one serves absolutely no purpose other than corrupting their minds, confusing them, and setting them on a path of decadence and nihilism. The strongest societies (socially, economically, militarily, and culturally) are those that are founded on the traditional, strong family model. Haters may hate but that’s been shown empirically time and time again.
@Michael, can you please show us the objective data behind your statements? Thank you.
I am not really a pro LG TV person, but the amount of ridiculous things that some people writes here is amusing. Unfortunately there is a saying about “countries have the government they deserve” and is sad to see so many brainwashed people without critical thinking. Without the capacity to contrast what government says and government actions. Or maybe Michael Steiner is just some kind of FIDESZ employee.
Jose Hernandez, a child’s brain does not fully develop until the age of 25 or 26. Minors are not allowed to drink alcohol, drive a car, vote or own a gun.
There was a hearing in the American Senate on the influence of tech sites on children’s lives. Many parents were present at the hearing, showing pictures of their dead children.
Parents with pictures of dead children show how easily children can be influenced. Why would the LGBTQ+ community want to influence children? Do these communities hate children so much that they want to ruin their childhood and possibly their lives?
There is nothing in the laws that preclude adults to voluntarily change their sex.
It is bad enough that pedophilia already exist, and children are molested. Some liberals actually support pedophilia. Young girls are sold as sex slaves. How much damage should be acceptable to children?