Orbán cabinet: UN migration package ‘poses great danger’
The UN migration package in its current form looks like an “African migration package” and fails to represent Europe’s interests, a foreign ministry official said on Friday.
Tamás Menczer, state secretary for foreign relations, told public television that the government is vying to get Hungary’s position incorporated into the final text.
Hungary does not support population swaps, he told current affairs channel M1.
“We want Hungary to be Hungarian and Europe European.”
The United Nations package currently envisages migration as desirable and the right response to demographic and labour market challenges, he said. It also states that no distinction should be drawn between countrymen and migrants, he added.
“The government finds this unacceptable,” he said, adding that
Hungary staunchly opposes the adoption of the current text of the migration package.
Source: MTI
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1 Comment
Mr. Juncker is once again crazy and drunk. Too much whisky damages his brains (if any). He said the following: We need more Europe. Together all those small countries stand stronger against nationalism. Actually there seems to be no Dutch or Hungarians. We are all European. Do you know how much Holland earns on exports? Trump is placing children in extermination camps, we have to stand-up against that. Putin is terribly scary. The war was terrible. Then you take a drink, you take the whole bottle. It is nice that Rutte (from Holland) still supports him. Only it is especially that the Dutch government no longer considers a drunken person to be able to cycle but rather to allow Juncker to represent the security interests on behalf the European people. See the report of our Polish friends and base your opinion on who pushes us into the abyss. Certainly not Orbán, Fico, Zeman or Morawiecki. It is also to be expected that the four Visegrád-countries will be extended with Italy, Austria, Bulgaria, Slovenia and Croatia. Nice to see how the Politburo in Brussels digs their own grave and saddles us with the cost of their funeral.