Orbán cabinet warns of increasing migration
Since the beginning of the year, 40 percent more illegal entry attempts have been reported from Hungary’s southern borders than in the first half of 2019, György Bakondi, the prime minister’s chief security advisor, told a press conference on Monday.
In the first six months of 2020, a total 13,189 migrants tried to enter illegally, while procedures have been initiated against 161 suspected people smugglers, more than in the whole of last year, Bakondi said. He warned that some 150,000 migrants are staying in Greece, while “the pressure of migration is weighing more and more on Turkey and Italy, too”.
“Any easing (of immigration restrictions) could increase security and health risks for Hungary, trying welfare services and jeopardising jobs,”
Bakondi said.
“Migrants are a potential hazard of coronavirus infection,”
Bakondi insisted, and went on to say that “they could further increase unemployment caused by the Covid-19 outbreak through occupying the remaining jobs”.
Bakondi urged residents to express support for government measures through returning the government’s “national consultation” survey sheets.
- Justice minister: ‘Deceitful’ Sargentini report passed by ‘pro-migration EP majority’
- Foreign minister: Migration serious health hazard
Source: MTI
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1 Comment
There are LOTS of wild boars in Hungary.
These creatures could be utilised by relocating large numbers to the areas where illegal migrants have been trying to enter Hungary.
Wild boars eat migrants so not only will the ravenous animals be fed but they will also be ‘doing their bit’ for Hungary.