Orbán cabinet won’t accept European court ruling on transit zone

The government is refusing to accept the European Court’s ruling that Hungary’s transit zone is a place of detention, and it will examine the matter based on the country’s constitution, the prime minister’s chief domestic security adviser said on Tuesday.

György Bakondi told public broadcaster M1 that the transit zone on the southern border functioned well and had proven to be an effective element of border control.

The deterrent effect against migrants would dissolve if the facility were dismantled, leading to a situation similar to the crisis of 2015, he added.

He said illegal migrants endangered domestic security and public health as it was unknown how many of the 130,000 people on the Balkan route may have been infected with the novel coronavirus.

The Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) last week ruled that keeping asylum seekers in the transit zone on the Hungarian-Serbian border constitutes “detention”.

UN migration pack
Read alsoIllegal migrants almost disappeared from the borders of Hungary


  1. If these so called migrants don’t like Hungarian accommodations maybe they shouldn’t illegally cross into Hungary. The CJEU once again proves it does NOT respect the Sovereignty of Hungary, There is no doubt it is loaded with George Soro’s operatives trying to destroy Christian Hungary and its culture. NO THANKS!

    I have to wonder how much longer Hungary will try to remain in a union that is trying to destroy Hungarian Culture and values?

  2. 1956. 200,000 Hungarians fleeing Hungary, to ther countries. Often ilegally. So that’s ok? Hypocrisy!

  3. The word immigrant. You need to understand and then realize the difference between Hungarian or Syrian or refugee and immigrant theory. In just a short time, nearly a million Hungarians migrated from Hungary alone. Just because of better conditions. But about George Soros…
    …. If it weren’t for him, your prime minister would now be at home and maybe unemployed … it was his money that he continued his education outside of Hungary. I was in Budapest last year, a beautiful city. but not Beautiful thought

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