Orbán calls for stopping ‘gender insanity’

Prime Minister Viktor Orbán on Wednesday called for stopping “gender insanity”, urging voters to vote “no” to the four questions in Hungary’s referendum to be held on child protection simultaneously with the general election on April 3.

“If we go and vote ‘no’ four times, the referendum will settle this issue for a long time to come,” the prime minister told voters in Eger, in northern Hungary. “The father is a man and the mother a woman, and our children should be left alone.”

At stake in the referendum is “whether we will keep our common sense”, Orbán said. Hungary is a free country where adults can decide how they want to live, he said. “We don’t want to interfere in that. But children — that’s a red line,” the prime minister said.

Orbán said the aim of the referendum was to make it clear that “this kind of drivel” and “foreign fads” must not be allowed to make their way into schools.

If children are exposed to things in school that make the job of parents harder, then the school is doing something they have no authorisation to do, Orbán said.

“We expect teachers and schools not to re-educate our children,” Orbán said. “We never handed anyone our right to determine for us how children should be told about these very difficult issues in life,” the prime minister said, adding that parents should have the exclusive right to make that decision.

Source: MTI


  1. There appears to be only one person who has the necessary “common sense” and can protect Hungary against these threats!


  2. Typical Eastern European state of mind – gay= insanity…. The world is turning why not to keep the pace?

  3. @Vlad – any good Authoritarian needs an shadowy Enemy to protect The People from. Anti-migrant hysteria appears to be dead and the Soros neurosis is waning, let’s turn to the LGBTQ community as the next target?

  4. @Vlad
    Islam seems to be increasing worldwide. Would you like to join that too simply for being a trend?

  5. I don’t think that gender politics is at the forefront of most voters minds in Hungary, whereas corruption within the upper echelons of government is. Funny how during the election campaign Fidesz have not made any pledges to tackle corruption and to implement more transparent procurement tenders. In fact they have not said anything much about corruption at all.

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