Orbán: European politics collapsed, Asia to be centre of the world in new global system

European politics “has collapsed”, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in his address at the Bálványos Summer University in Baile Tusnad, Romania, on Saturday, arguing that Europe had relinquished the protection of its own interests.

“Europe is currently following the politics of the US Democratic Party unconditionally, even at the cost of self-destruction,” Orbán said, adding that sanctions imposed on Russia were hurting European interests, raising energy prices and making the European economy uncompetitive.

Orbán said the European system of powers had so far been based on a “Paris-Berlin axis”, but this no longer existed, or had at least “become irrelevant and evadable” compared with the “new power centre” comprising London, Warsaw, Kyiv and the Baltic and Scandinavian states.

He said the idea of replacing the Paris-Berlin axis was not a new one but rather “an old Polish plan” that involved Poland becoming the continent’s main American base. This, he added, required “calling the Americans in there, between the Germans and the Russians”. But this, he added, could only be made a reality owing to the current war.

“This is an old plan: weaken Russia and surpass Germany,” Orbán said, insisting that Poland was pursuing the “most deceitful politics” in Europe, arguing that “they’re obliviously doing business with the Russians while morally lecturing us for doing the same thing”.

Orbán: Asia to be centre of the world in new global system

In the next decades Asia will be at the centre of the global system, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in his address at the Balvanyos Summer University in Baile Tusnad, Romania, on Saturday.

“Europe can then decide whether it wants to be an open-air museum or a part of global competition,” he said, adding that changes were now afoot that had not been seen in the past 500 years.

Leading powers had come from the West over the past 150 years while change was now coming from Asia, he declared.

Orbán said former US president Donald Trump was seeking an American response to this state of affairs, and this represented America’s “last chance” to remain as a world leader.

The prime minister said that Europe had two options: to become an open-air museum in a “subordinated role to the US” or to follow French President Emmanuel Macron’s proposal to achieve strategic autonomy and “enter the competition for changing the global system”.

Orbán insisted that it was feasible to recover Europe’s ability to attract capital and implement big infrastructure developments, “especially in central Europe”.

“We need a European military alliance with strong European military industry,” he said, adding that Europe must also be self-sufficient in terms of energy, for which nuclear power was indispensable. All this, he added, must be concluded after a post-war agreement with Russia is forged.

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  1. What this Kremlin designed speech tells you is that Hungary is no longer part of “The West.” Hungary has gone back to being a Russian satellite and Hungarians get the low standard of living that goes with that. If the brainwashed Hungarian public doesn’t wake up from the years of Fidesz propaganda they have been fed and kick them out of government in 2026 the country is truly finished. If Hungarians manage to get rid of them it will take at least ten years and probably much more to recover from the damage these mafia bandits have done. They have stolen so much wealth and taken control over so many industries as well as the courts that it becomes very very difficult to unravel all of that. The big problem is that Hungary has a very limited history of democratic representative government and is culturally susceptible to authoritarianism as the pre-communist experience was 24 years of rule under the “good dictator” Horthy. There are plenty of Hungarians who think that there can be another “good dictator” to rule them and Orban taps into that desire for strongman rule. Authoritarianism virtually always leads to disaster. Fidesz is making deals with the Devil which is Putin’s Russia and deals with the Devil always end badly. It’s the same as when Horthy made deals with Hitler – always on the wrong side.

  2. Agree 100% Larry. Hungary’s experiment with democracy in the last century was how long, realistically about 15 years? Hungarians like being told what to do and not having to think for themselves, that’s tiring. When given the freedom, most didn’t know what to do with it. The role of Hungarians historically has been to be servile – and will continue to be – to a ruling elite. Arguably this didn’t end even during the country’s democractic experiment due to high levels of corruption and inefficient governance. At least back then they had the excuse of lack of experience and the period of market transition was very tough in all Warsaw Pact countries.

  3. The big question for the guys above is, why do you think Hungarians are doing nothing to remove this guy from his seat? in any other country like France for example, the people goes to meet to the streets and ask for actions. I am really afraid that this country will collapse soon.

  4. Haters may hate but Orban is right. Europe stands for absolutely nothing but, as St. Obama put it once upon a time, “managed decline.” It’s done through a chimera of late-stage capitalism (a.k.a. corporatism) and the worst aspects of socialism. Throw in some anarchy-tyranny, especially with respect to illegal immigration, plus globalism, and you have the sum-total of the E.U.


  5. Poor Steiner. Propaganda has a way of blinding people. I knew someone who was blinded by Russian propaganda for most of his life believing Russia was a force to liberate people through socialism (communism). The West was bad and especially the US. When the Soviet Union collapsed and Eastern Europeans regained their freedom his whole world view disintegrated and he realized he was believing a lie for so long in his life. Russian communism has morphed into Russian fascism controlled by the same people who are referred to as the Siloviki. Putin as part of the Siloviki is an ex-KGB colonel who oppressed the people of East Germany. Hungarians are completely out of their minds to ever think about trusting him. These are the people who control use of violence and state propaganda to control the populace. Fidesz has allied itself with the Russian Siloviki and they are using the same propaganda techniques to control Hungarians. Orban made his speeches in 1989 crying for liberation from Russia but morphed into a traitor bringing Hungary back under Russian domination. Communism and fascism use the same techniques and are just different faces of the same monster.

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