Orbán harshly bashed Ukraine, Russia praises him, but what will Biden say?
PM Viktor Orbán said in an interview that Ukraine financially was “a non-existent country” as the EU, including Hungary, financed its operations. “This is ruining Europe,” he added. The former Russian president liked Orbán’s words, but Ukrainian officials became outraged. Below, you may find their reactions.
The former Russian president likes Orbán
The Ukrainian Pravda wrote a separate article about Orbán’s statements from yesterday. The news outlet highlighted that the Hungarian prime minister regarded Kyiv as financially non-existent and said that without Western help, Zelensky’s regime would have already collapsed, and the war would have ended.
As was expected, Dmitry Medvedev, Deputy Secretary of the Russian Security Council, noticed his words. “Well done, bold and accurate for a European politician. We can only add that as soon as Western funding ends, Ukraine itself will end,” the former Russian president reacted. The Ukrainian Pravda added that the US Congress was preparing additional sanctions against Hungary concerning leading politicians and government officials. We wrote about that plan and the relevant legislative motion HERE.
Meanwhile, Ukraine’s foreign affairs spokesperson, Oleg Nikolenko, replied harshly on his Facebook page. Nikolenko wrote that Hungary should not deliver an opinion about other countries’ finances while Budapest received much money from the EU. According to index.hu, he regards Orbán’s words as a new anti-Ukrainian statement, and was not surprised it received immediate support from Moscow. Nikolenko highlighted that by supporting Ukraine, Europe invests in European security. The foreign affairs spokesman believes that Ukrainians protect Budapest and other European cities from Russian aggression.
Hungarian sanctions against Ukraine?
Mi Hazánk, Hungary’s radical party protected Orbán. Dávid Dócs, an MP of the party, said that Ukrainian politicians should not insult Hungary. Recent statements by leading Ukrainian politicians were “unacceptable”, Dócs told a press conference on Friday, and he suggested the government may even consider responding with sanctions against Hungary’s neighbour, MTI wrote. Transcarpathian Hungarians would become the main victims of heightened tensions if the government failed to respond adequately, he said, referring to threats by “nationalists and chauvinists from inner Ukraine”. Dócs said it was “unbelievable” that Ukrainians were making such statements when Hungary was providing humanitarian aid and, under pressure from the European Union, “even financial aid is on the horizon”.
As we wrote before, there is tension between Hungary and the USA concerning the war and the policies regarding Russia and China. Hungary would like to reach peace as soon as possible and an independent European policy concerning Moscow and Beijing. The USA would like the European countries to support its struggle against the two global adversaries. France and Poland do not agree on that either on the path. President Macron argued for an extended European independence after his visit to China, while Poland would stick to the utmost protection of the USA.
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Like his pal Trump, no one cares what Orban says, except his little group of “friends” that make up his echo chamber. His friends should note that Victor’s last group of friends are now his enemy, his is a creature of habit that will tilt whatever way the wind blows, there is no real conviction in his statements, just posturing.
We must prepare ourselves for further Sanctioning by the United States of America, that WILL extend into probability – like the Car Manufacturing Industry in Hungary.
“The United States of America by Sanction, will not ALLOW any Motor Vehicles or componentry – manufactured produced in Hungary – be landed – in the United States of America.
HOW many thousands of Hungarians are Employed in the car manufacturing industry and “associated industry’s ?
The United States of America – factually – can put in place this Sanction.
Orban – the on-going DESTRUCTIVE path he is LEADING us – PERILOUS.
REMEMBER Orban – that it was the Father & Son, whom made the Canons for the DESTRUCTION of Constantinople.
The United States of America – Victor Orban – will “ping you off” deepening there Powers & Strength as a DEMOCRACY – that your Political Image “grows” in being tyrannical and void of any resemblance to DEMOCRACY.
Orban makes Hungary pay – in our MILLIONS worsening our Future, the quality of our Lives – in an on-going BROADSHEET of areas, that are integral parts, in the functionality – mechanisms of our daily lives and into the FUTURE of Hungary.
Hungary – and Orban shoulders this – all of its WEIGHT,- has destroyed our brand name -Hungary.
There is more tension between half the country and the Biden crime family.
The same people who were responsible for the 2013 revolt and ouster of the elected president are now running the Biden regime. This will the Biden family was making big money in Ukraine and other corrupt countries from around the world. the 3 time biggest money to the DNC is Soros jr. and destroyed much of the justice system in the US, funding radicle left wing nut jobs for office- double what was usually spent. Interesting you never see his name here. He was also a major player in Ukraine in 2013 and has to be a big player ther today. Soros Jr. has been to the whithouse 12 times in the last year. Seem the over 110 BILLION To Ukraine haveing trouble accounting for it. The average Ukraine are victims of this crazy. Trump along with Orban – the war would never have happened- you can denie it all you want. Maybe you missed it when rocket man was shooting middle around Japan and SKorea and he ended it a Bult a relationship with NKorea in a matter of months.. I love all the Talk about NATO. That wouldn’t exist without the US- interesting most the members have never paid there 2% share. Russian people were free with the rest of Eastern Europe and there lives have changed just as much.
You can blame Putin all you want but it’s not going to get you anywhere. Hungary suffered under the USSR- the Russian people lost millions more than the entire pop of Hungary and much in common. the US is 10 times more powerful than Russia – sort of like Russia is to Ukraine only much more.
Hungary has not received money from the EU for a couple of years, yet it still exist. However, Ukraine cannot and will not last as a nation without foreign aid. The hardworking American taxpayers are keeping Ukraine going. The EU and North America have given shelter to the millions of Ukrainians who left the country. That is the present reality. If the war is further extended, the Ukraine will never recover.
mariavontheresa – “Hungary has not received money from the EU for a couple of years.”
BLAME that entirely on the shoulders of your FAVOURED Politician, the leader of the Political Party you are a fully paid up member of Fidesz.
Hungary – you commentary AGAIN loose without Fact & Accuracy – has received monies from the European Union over the past (2) two years.
Hungary you state “Still exists.”
Hungarians in millions are factually enduring challenges to there quality of life that rival those in the period of our PROUD history 1945 – 1989.
Social Inequality is RAMPANT in Hungary, with millions and GROWING in the lower socio economic group, barely SURVIVING.
“The Rich get Richer and the POOR get Poorer.”
Major infrastructure projects need of up-dating, continual decline in Social Services – Public Health – Hospitals, Dental & Optical standards, that are on-going needs of Society, what INVESTMENT has Orban & his Government made of impact – of change, for the better into these Public needs of SERVICE – requirement?
Education – a total SHAMBLES – all through Orban and his Government like the Media, the Judiciary and ability to Rule by Decree – want POWER the control of Education, and have FABRICATED truth for years, that is NOW rightfully “shaming & embarrassing” – Orban and his “Mob.”
Orban – has destroyed relationships, just not with the European Union but has LOST the total support respect of country’s – that are ruled by DEMOCRACY.
Orban – inside of Hungary the PLACE he has taken Hungary, at this “perilous” time in our history, is Wreaking Havoc – CHOAS – in the lives of literally millions of Hungarians.
Wonder how the Gold Reserves of Hungary are HOLDING up?
mariavontheresa – it is KNOWN, you advocate Hungary go it alone – stand alone not the need of European Union Membership – “ignore” the U.S.A. opinion or advise to Hungary.
Sustainability – Stability the URGENCY of broadsheet in ALL major areas of the componentry that is the “Engine” room of the Hungarian Economy – the billions of forints needed for INVESTMENT by the Orban Government, where is it to be OBTAINED?
Growth of Hungary -financial GROWTH – the “Worth” of Hungary – ain’t GOING to HAPPEN – mariavontheresa.
The “small scale” just part of what is a capitulation occurring of a country, the NEEDS of Hungary to SURVIVE, by its ALONENESS – manufactured through Victor Orban – in your thinking mariavontheresa – the FUTURE of Hungary – build it on and around Russia & China, the only friends of Hungary being DICTATORSHIPS?