Orbán: Hungary expects EU institutions to help, not to hinder efforts
![orbán speech serious](https://contentf5.dailynewshungary.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/88416946_10157919805061093_2496154646481993728_o.jpg)
Hungary expects European Union institutions to “help, not hinder our efforts”, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said on Friday.
“We are in the middle of a pandemic, with around 150,000 deaths in Europe,” Orbán told public Kossuth Radio.
Hungary is among the countries with the most successful protective measures.
“When real European cooperation is needed it’s worrying that Brussels bureaucrats who we pay for … are busy slamming us for sport,” he said, adding that they should be involved in seeing to more important matters instead.
Commenting on Thursday’s European Court of Justice ruling against Hungary in connection with its transit zone, he said migration continued to shape European policies and Brussels’ decisions.
They’re trying to force member states, against their will, into letting migrants in.”
“But they won’t manage to dribble the ball past us,” he added.
If the European Court decision goes against Hungary’s constitution, priority must be given to the constitution, he said.
Source: MTI
Hungarians should be grateful that they have a strong, forceful, purposeful nationalist leader in Orban who does not cave in to the bureaucratic , globalist/internationalists in Brussels like the leaders of the Western European EU states.
Once again we see Prime Minister Viktor Orban defending the right of an independent nation state Hungary, standing up to the “powerful one” in making decisions for his own nation in the face of possibly the most serious crisis his country, indeed the world, is now facing in this COV-19 pandemic !
China is the appropriate source for criticism for so many of these similar events over these past many years !
Hungary is blessed to have such a strong and patriotic leader as Viktor Orban in these dire real times !
John H. Morton.
What I like about Orban is that when a decision is needed he makes it on the basis of what is good for Hungary and the Hungarian people.
Other leaders appear to be following orders from their shadowy friends in the background!
It comforts me – greatly, to live in a country and have a Prime Minister – Victor Orban and a Government, that FOCUS on it’s peoples needs.
DB – his comments are totally unequivocally correct, as are those of the other (2) contributors.
The quality of Leadership displayed by Prime Minister – Victor Orban, that is built on his Love and Belief in his Country, the Strong – Decisive – Patriotic style that we are blessed to witness, is assuring and exciting.
The factorial position is that through our Prime Ministers intellectual capacity, he is seen, as a threat, bringing out displaying – the Failings of others from the Brussels set and others, that dominates and controls there behaviour pattern, to blatantly display – Envy & Jealousy.
We are a Country, that over a decade period are a SUCCESS story, and will Triumph on, under the Leadership of our Prime Minister – Victor Orban.
Translation: dear EU ( aka the cow to milk ) from you we expect money, money, and more money and we also expect that after giving us that money, for example the huge funds we receive for the quota of refugees that we do NOT take, you’ll shut your mouth up and never dare criticizing us!
Mario obviously HATES Hungary and everything Hungarian, including :
– it’s DEMOCRATICALLY-ELECTED Government with an ENORMOUS majority in Parliament (eat your hearts out, Merkel & Marcon !!) ;
– it’s VERY SUCCESSFUL HANDLING (to date) of the Coronavirus epidemic (other E.U. nations could learn a thing or two from Viktor Orban !!) ;
– it’s ECONOMY which expanded by over 2% in the first quarter of 2020 (when the rest of E.U. – including Germany – went backwards) ;
– it’s REFUSAL to blindly obey instructions from Soros-worshippers / Brussels bureaucrats / various ‘liberal’ organisations + individuals (INCLUDING YOURSELF) that would have Hungary ‘take’ quotas of so-called ‘refugees’ (in reality a Muslim horde of locusts) – like other countries in the E.U. which have experienced NUMEROUS PROBLEMS as a result of their ‘compliance’.
He has demonstrated this HATRED on MANY occasions via his “DAILY NEWS HUNGARY” comments.
Back in 1980, an Australian musician wrote a song which achieved international success (even reaching number 1 on the charts in several European countries – Austria / Belgium / France / Germany / Ireland / Switzerland).
The song was titled “SHADDAP-A YOU FACE” and the words included the following :
“What’s-a-matter you ? Hey.
Gotta no respect.
Ah, shaddap-a you face !”
The final words of this song DEFINITELY apply to Mario.
Everyone is SICK AND TIRED of reading Mario’s totally inane complaints about Hungary so he should do us all a favour and
Excellent reply by Lajos Kossuth.
Mario is a lost individual, who Fails to look at the wider picture of the EU Political landscape.
Question that could be interesting to have Mario reply :
” What is the European Union Mission Statement ”
The (5) five contributors, all write in broadness explaining reasons why Prime Minister – Victor Orban & his Government are the Success story that they are.
Democracy is Truly alive and well in Hungary, and our Government, correctly display the scope & broadness of it’s Flexibility and Usage Application, into the 21st century and going forward.
Democracy – is constantly Reforming it-self,
the other systems are Not /
One of the darkest sides of the internet is the number of people who use it with the almost sole purpose of insulting those who think different. On a face-to-face situation, these very same offenders would probably think twice or thrice, the internet instead, which is feeding and raising a generation of professional haters and lions with a keyboard, provides them with the shelter of a screen and a nick.
Ps. I would like to remind these bunch of haters that in English there is a little, however significant, difference between “ its “ and “ it’s “. Just to mention one. If you want to use the internet to insult somebody, at least write in proper English, especially if English happens to be your mother-tongue ( not my case.) I understand some of you, luckily not all of you, originate from that remote island once inhabited by peaceful natives who got largely exterminated by the inmates Britain got rid of some decades ago, but really, being Australian is not a good excuse to write in broken English. Go back to school, do your homework, then write comments. My 12-yr old child, not a native English speaker, writes better than some of you.
Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw – do you role play Professor Higgins at home teaching English grammar and elocution to your (12) twelve year old daughter ?
Her name isn’t Eliza ?
If you continue, the aggressive “closed mind” position you opinions and comments tend to take, in your writing, you will be scolded.
I deplore personal character attack, and extend my apology to you, if I have given you cause, to feel discomforted by my response to your comments and opinions.
I personally enjoy, vibrant “agree to disagree” writing or commenting on opinions from others that challenge me, my thoughts and ideas, but I never take a response to ideas and thoughts, that differ from mine personally, and go on a personal attack.
Relax, take a deep breath – don’t take it seriously nor personally – smell the Roses //
Saint Mother Teresa, quote to think about, which helps me greatly, seeing numerous things going on in the World, that makes my blood boil.
She said :
” I alone can’t change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters,
to create many ripples”.
Stay Well – You and Your Family.
Mario: This a Hungarian website, do not come here to criticize the posters’ foreign language skills. Maybe we should continue the discussion in Hungarian, rothadt soros bérenc.
FYI, those “huge” EU monies have to be paid back with interest.
Your history lesson: Hungary was open to immigrants for centuries. As a result, the foreigners claimed 74% of Hungary for themselves in 1920 in Trianon. Do YOU want to repeat that, balfasz?
And look who is “hiding behind the internet”: You would NOT have a courage to repeat your 1st comment in the face of Hungarian people. ROFL
Message to Orban Victor: It is time for HUXIT !!
Canis Merga, first of all this is a Hungarian website yes, but in English, so your Hungarocentric point makes little sense. Second, I do not recall Hungarians to be the natives here in this region. There was a time when Hungarians too lived thousands and thousands of kilometers away, somewhere in the steppes of Asia. There was a time when Hungarians were nomadic tribes. Slavs arrived here prior to Hungarian tribes, therefore the concept of “ foreigner “ here is pretty vague.
About Trianon, you seem too indoctrinated for a rational exchange of views. If you live in a world of dreams where Rijeka, Zagreb, Bratislava are or should be Hungarian cities, that means you live in a world which is as real as the one where Londinum, Lutetia, Aquincum are or should be Roman cities. Enjoy it.
A significant part of that 74 % of territory you refer to was largely inhabited by non-Hungarian majorities over which an often arrogant Hungarian minoritarian elite ruled, on behalf of the Habsburg, in some cases with very little consideration toward non-Hngarians. Of course, there were also territories in some parts of Transylvania, not all Transylvania as it is often wrongly claimed, and in present-day Slovakia, where Hungarians constituted majority, at times an overwhelming one, but you should know that when you lose a war you lose more than a war.
Huxit… well you have to convince that 75-80 % of Hungarian who are against it. And you have to convince your supreme leader that Huxit is worth the loss of the big cow to milk ( aka EU… ) I see it tough.
P.s. isn’t living peacefully within present borders and working together with EU partners much easier, more realistic, and more productive than continously stirring the pot of Trianon, of some supposed Hungarian unicity ( all nations are unique, as a matter of fact so are all individuals ) and of anti-EU sentiments that lead to nowhere?