Orbán calls for ‘patriotic’ leadership to replace Brussels’ liberal elite

The liberal elite in Brussels must be replaced with a new, patriotic European leadership which will strengthen a Europe of nations rather than building its own power, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in Brussels on Wednesday, at a ceremony of the Hunyadi János Award of the Foundation for a Civic Hungary.
This year, the Hunyadi János Award was awarded to Italian Deputy Prime Minister Matteo Salvini. Orbán told the event: “It is our shared task to restore a Europe of nations.”
He said that the “rights unlawfully confiscated from nations” should be returned. Regulations must be enforced equally on all member states, he said. “The agents of the Soros network must be excluded from the European Commission, and corrupt lobbyists must be removed from the European Parliament. The European Union cannot be a financial network aiming to weaken national governments,” he said.
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If the E.U. continues actively working against the interests of the majority of the European people, it won’t be long before it goes the way of C.C.C.P., Yugoslavia, and dozens of other tyrannical political artifices.
Since when do fascists have a monopoly on patriotism? “Patriotism is the last refuge of the scoundrel.”