Orbán’s cabinet: Migrants should be re-united with families back in their homeland

Hungary supports the idea of re-uniting migrants with their families in their homelands rather than in Europe, daily Magyar Hírlap quoted a government official as saying on Tuesday.

Pál Völner, state secretary at the justice ministry, reacted to a report by Council of Europe commissioner Nils Muiznieks suggesting that European Union member states, under international law, should remove obstacles in the way of the reunification of refugee families.

Völner highlighted that Muiznieks had worked as head of the Soros Foundation in Latvia, adding that it was “not surprising” that he promotes “Soros’s aim to bring as many migrants to Europe as possible”.

“We will be partners in efforts to return migrants to their homelands,” Völner said.

Völner said “migrants and refugees are not the same”, adding that the latter  were “taken care of” under the Geneva Convention rather than “by George Soros or Nils Muiznieks”.

Photo: MTI/AP/Emilio Morenatti

Source: mti

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