Orbán’s Fidesz slams Tisza for supporting Budapest’s “ultra-liberal” drug policies

The opposition Tisza Party has signed up to “ultra-liberal” drug policies in Budapest, Alexandra Szentkirályi, the Fidesz-Christian Democrat group leader in the Budapest assembly, said on Saturday.

The Fidesz-led group in the assembly recently proposed abolishing the Budapest drug strategy and drafting an expressly anti-drug plan, she noted in a video uploaded to Facebook.

The “ultra-liberal” policy of the Budapest administration and its supporters concentrates on mitigating the harm done to drug users rather than on prevention.

Rather than supervise and support drug users by making their habit safer and more comfortable, a policy directed towards complete recovery, zero tolerance towards dealers and producers, and prevention was preferable, Szentkirályi added.

Orbán's Fidesz slams Tisza for drug policies
Alexandra Szentkirályi. Photo: MTI

Drug rooms in entertainment venues, drug party services, testing and needle disposal points supported drug use instead of fighting against drugs, she said.

This is why Fidesz has urged the Budapest assembly, and specifically the Tisza group, to support a new anti-drug strategy. Even then, “Peter Magyar’s people” voted “resoundingly against” Fidesz’s proposals, she said.

So the “liberal rainbow coalition’s pro-drug strategy remains in place”, she said.

“Let’s put an end to the collusion between the drug lobby and political parties,” she added.

Read also:

  • Drugs situation in Budapest serious, leading politician says

One comment

  1. The Left always always always uses the money earned by decent, hard-working people to (unsuccessfully) deal with the bad choices of society’s parasites.

    I do NOT want my tax forints used to fund fuzzy, cuddly “safe spaces” for narcotics abuse and similar harebrained initiatives. I want the junkies to be arrested and put into mandatory rehab, then supported in an endeavor to set them straight on a path to success. If they screw up a second time, send them to a penal colony where they earn their upkeep but never get out.

    Anything else is a waste of time and (my!) money.

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