Péter Magyar calls for a new regime change in Hungary

Péter Magyar, deputy leader and European parliamentary list leader of the Respect and Freedom (Tisza) party noted the importance of Sunday’s EP and municipal elections and said the vote provided an opportunity for Hungarians “to say stop and no more”.

After casting his ballot in Budapest’s District 12, Magyar said his party wanted “a new political regime change”.

Magyar said he expected an election result “which may not be visible from the Moon but from the prime minister’s office”, with “voters sending a strong message to those in power”.

“We will close off the past 20 years,” Péter Magyar said, adding that “it will not be sprint run but rather a mixture of marathon and hurdles.”

At stake at Sunday’s election is if people choose “the past that Viktor Orbán and Ferenc Gyurcsány destroyed … making Hungary the second poorest and the most corrupted country of the European Union,” Magyar said. He insisted that the country had received 40,000 billion (EUR 103m) forints in EU funding during those 20 years, still the state debt had increased by the same amount.

“They have neglected health services and education, and nearly one million of our compatriots now live in Western Europe,” he said. Some 1.5 million people are without daily health care; there are 896 vacant general physician’s practices nationwide and a shortage of 40,000 nurses, Péter Magyar added.

“Tisza is a party for peace; its supporters will vote for real peace and eliminating divisions,” Magyar said, adding that his party would “work to prevent Fidesz from re-introducing mandatory military service and sending further Hungarian troops to areas hit by civil war.”

Concerning the municipal election, Magyar said he had not supported any of the candidates for Budapest mayor because “one is a candidate of Fidesz-oligarchs and the other is of Ferenc Gyurcsány … Tisza has nothing to do with those people.” He also added that his party would cooperate with the winner in Budapest “on actual matters”.

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  1. Sometimes our BEST is simple NOT good enough.
    We HAVE to DO – what is required for us individually and for our country, and that is to DEFEAT the Orban – Fidesz Government.
    Orbans growing relationship and partnership at the EXPENSE of Hungary, with Russia and China, his distillation of Democracy, sending our Economic and Financial position as a country, into a “Disaster’ zone, the ABOLISITIONISM – of friendships with the European Union, with N.A.T.O – with ALL country’s that practice exist and Governed under the Laws of Democracy – HUMILIATING.
    Orbans relationship with Russia and China, is a RIDDLE that is clearly wrapped in a mystery inside an Enigma.

  2. This guy wants change but is very thin on detail.

    Gee, I wonder why.

    Could it be because his “change” would mean allowing everything the globalist-socialist sleazeballs are dying to impose on Hungary but have been prevented by Mr. Orban: a flood of illegal aliens, Net Zero, gender ideology, and green light for world war?

    Yup, pretty sure that’s it.

    It reminds me of St. Obama in ’07: “Change we can believe in!!!” What do you want to change, into what, how, why, how much would it cost? Don’t ask questions! “Yes, we can! Oh-bama, Oh-bama, Oh-bama!!!” Eight years later, America was poorer, less safe, less respected, far more divided, and generally more everything bad and less everything good, by every metric. But hey, at least America had a cool charismatic guy for President, right!

    We will not make that mistake here, Peter son.

  3. Steiner Michael.
    “We will not make that mistake here, Peter son.”
    Steiner Michael, your Demigod – Victor .Mihaly. Orban, that has led Hungary “into the mire” – what’s YOUR thoughts on the SAVING of Hungary ???
    You criticize “all & sundry” without facts and evidence to back up your CRITICISM.
    YOU believe your Demigod – your Political Party of Membership, can STAND alone, with NO need of the word DEMOCRACY in there vocabulary – in there policies and in there dictatorial governance of the people of Hungary.
    WHAT’s your BLUE Print plan – for the SAVING, a Future for Hungary – Steiner Michael ?
    Don’t be selfish, wishing and praying for a return of your “much” loved Communist vehicles, your LOVE to watch out at from your apartment window.
    What’s your “Magna Carta Libertatum” – translated from latin to English meaning – Great Charter of Freedoms.
    You write and write and write of Hungary – it’s FUTURE being FREE – being doing it’s OWN thing, with NO democratic laws of governance, but “aligned” to those of Communism under a Dictatorship.
    Steiner Michael – what is your Magna Carta – for Hungary – the FUTURE you believe under Victor Mihaly Orban he OFFERS Hungary ???

  4. Oh Michael, do you ever tire of licking Victor and Donald boots? See you next Tuesday!

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