Opposition leader Magyar slams government over surging food prices and inflation

Páter Magyar, the leader of the opposition Tisza Party, said on Wednesday that contrary to the government’s “lies” that inflation had been stopped, the latest figures showed that it was in fact on the rise again.

Magyar said in a statement that over the past four years, food prices had been increasing at a shockingly high rate and it was the price of basic foodstuff that had soared at the highest rate “on 1 January this year”. He said that food price inflation in Hungary had been two and a half times higher than the European Union average, adding that food prices in Hungary are now higher than the EU average.

Magyar said that Prime Minister Viktor Orbán who was still on holiday in India “would normally not talk about the fact that as a result of ‘flawed’ economic measures, such as a record-high VAT in Europe, special retail taxes and another nine types of taxes, the price of white bread has gone up in four years by 163 percent , the price of milk by 124 percent, and the price of eggs by 112 percent”. Magyar added that a family of four had to spend on average HUF 92,000 (EUR 224) more on food now than four years ago.

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  1. Truth & Facts - let them Loose, and THEY will Defend themselves :

    Pre Covid and Post Covid, let it be REMEMBERED, that Victor Orban and Mihaly Varga, the Fidesz Government of Hungary, by “Learned” brains of greater broader and wider intellectual capacity CV’s – that PROVED they knew there subjects -Economic & Financial Management.
    Orban & Varga, continued on, in there idiotic un-sustainable policies, that just continued to FEED into what we have been DELIVERED by them, by this Fidesz Government, a country, that is in a cataclysmic Financial & Economic – CHAOS, that can only WORSEN.
    Orban & Varga, the Fidesz Government, throughout the time I have referred in this commentary, besides the PROVEN wrongfulness of there Economic & Financial decision making, there FAILED Policies, have continued on, the “Toxic Culture” of the Orban led Fidesz Government of Hungary, in there PRACTICE of “Veiling” facts, just on alone INFLATION.
    Orban & the Fidesz Government, from the desk, it must not be forgotten, of the then Finance Minister of the Orban led Government, being Mihaly Varga, the population of Hungary, have just been FEED continuous – lies and fabrication(s) – of the REAL picture, the True and FACTUAL picture – that is the Mess, the CHAOS – the DISASTER, the on-going Worsening of the Economic & Financial position of Hungary.
    Orban, the Fidesz Government – we KNOW there LOVE of PROPAGANDA.
    INFLATION, has NEVER pre Covid and post COVID – by Orban & Varga, the Fidesz Government of Hungary, has NEVER been under CONTROL.
    Orban & Varga – there Financial & Economic Policies – the WARNINGS to them, over (5) five plus years, there “ill-fated” policies of Economic & Financial Management – they NEVER, never, never, never – would have controlled nor CONTAINED – INFLATION – in Hungary – never.
    The DOCTORING, the ill-legal “Heinous” interference, to various forms of statistical information, that has seen, from the Hungarian – Bureau of Statistics – reporting on INFLATION, to the population of Hungary, this orchestrated Orban – Fidesz Government – there interference and MANIPULATION of Information, resulting in FALSENESS of reporting, has been Immoral Behaviour by the Orban led Fidesz Government of Hungary.
    INFLATION – remains, remembering we are Hungary a country of IMPORTERS, meaning the payment of our imported NEEDED – in the conduct of our daily lives, continues to INCREASE principally through the “rampant” decline of the WORTH of our Currency – the forint.
    Forint v Euro = it’s WORSENING de-valuation, a principal factor WHY – nothing, nothing, nothing – is going to get CHEAPER in Hungary.
    Personally, I believe the spending power of MILLIONS upon millions of Hungarians is in a state of DESPERATION – beckoning the question, of SURVIVAL – that has No prospects of reversing, the easing of the torment and pain, of living life – just in a MODE a form, a position of SURVIVAL.
    Orban / Varga – Didn’t LISTEN.
    The Fidesz Government – didn’t LISTEN.
    Varga – as Finance Minister – a gargantuan, hurtful in his policy making decisions FAILURE, that millions of Hungarians – there lives in a state of ruination – WRECKED.
    Facts & TRUTH – we – in SOLIDARITY will bring them DOWN.

  2. mariavontheresa

    Any other complaints Magyar, don’t hold back.

  3. Larry

    Food used to be relatively inexpensive in Hungary compared to the rest of Europe. Hungary is an agricultural nation. The change all occured while Fidesz has been in power. What is going on is mafia economics. You pay more for everything when you live in the most corrupt country in Europe. In case anyone didn’t realize it corruption does not bring down the price of goods.

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