Péter Magyar calls on PM Orbán to explain how his son-in-law made EUR 1.2 billion in 10 years

Tisza Party leader Péter Magyar has said it is no surprise that the Prime Minister is unwilling to join the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. He is also demanding that the Prime Minister explain how his son-in-law, István Tiborcz, managed to accumulate such a massive fortune in just a decade.

Tisza Party gains ground

As Szeretlek Magyarország reports, Péter Magyar’s Tisza Party is gaining momentum, closing the gap with Hungary’s ruling Fidesz party. A recent Medián survey, conducted in early September with 1,000 participants, indicates that if elections were held this Sunday, Fidesz would receive 43% of the vote, while Tisza would gain 39%. This reduces Fidesz’s lead from 11 percentage points to just 5. Among committed voters, the margin narrows even further, from 12 to 4 points. Fidesz’s support has slightly decreased since the European Parliament elections, while Tisza’s rise seems to be drawing voters away from opposition parties, particularly DK and Mi Hazánk.

PHOTOS: Tisza Party and Péter Magyar's demonstration in Budapest. Photo by Mia Hetenyi
PHOTOS: Tisza Party and Péter Magyar’s demonstration in Budapest. Photo by Mia Hetenyi

Péter Magyar calls out the Orbán family

Since his entry into Hungarian politics, Péter Magyar has been outspoken in his criticism of figures close to the government and members of Fidesz. In a recent Facebook post, he penned an open letter to PM Orbán, questioning why he is reluctant to see Hungary join the European Public Prosecutor’s Office and asking how the Prime Minister’s son-in-law has become so wealthy in just ten years.

Here is a translation of Magyar’s post:

“68% of Hungarians (including a significant majority of Fidesz voters) want the government to apply for Hungary to join the European Public Prosecutor’s Office. Now that almost all EU member states have joined the EU’s investigative body to combat corruption, Fidesz and Viktor Orbán, due to family interests, must also explain why they are blocking Hungary’s accession.

Prime Minister,
Conservative estimates suggest that HUF 3-5000 billion is lost from the budget in Hungary (much of it EU funds) due to corruption, overpriced public procurements, and unnecessary investments.

Prime Minister,
Is it true that Hungary will not join the European Public Prosecutor’s Office because your son-in-law, István Tiborcz, remains free to act?

Prime Minister,
How is it possible that István Tiborcz has built up a fortune of around EUR 500 billion in 10 years by exploiting government and EU funds?

Mr Prime Minister,
Due to the suspension of EU funds, halted because of your large-scale corruption, all developments in the health and transport sectors have come to a standstill. Is it truly the case that the continued enrichment of your family is more important to you than the health and safety of the Hungarian people?”

tiborcz Orbán's son-in-law property scam
Photo: Facebook / Orbán Viktor

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  1. Corruption in Hungary is very well known, but soon we are going to hear from the 2 or 3 same pro-goverment guy writing their no sense. I Love when i read Maria saying that Ukraine is corrupt, (well, it is corrupt to be honest) but with no Decency to criticize their own government. But hey! Lets spend more money in fireworks next year! Those old Hungarians can. Wait more years for a surgery.

  2. “I am Geroge Soros, and I approve this message.”

    But seriously, if there is corruption, it must be identified, rooted out, and prosecuted. For Magyar to present himself as a clean outsider, however, is hysterical.

    Speaking of hysterical, how’s about Larry’s comment “The massively corrupt Fidesz regime must be erased from Hungary”! That’s Leftists for you: any means except the democratic process.

  3. Peter Magyar is right. The institutionalized corruption spawned by the new Hungarian nobility will never see a day in Hungarian courts; nor will its mentors in Czarist Russia or the Far East. There are only two possible ways to end the repeated thefts from Hungarians and EU citizens. One is the EU prosecutor’s office and the other is the ballot box. The sad reality is that even these will not enable restitution.

  4. I do accept that people in Power tend to give Gov’t Contracts to their Friends as it is Human Nature to look after your own first.
    Did we think these folks who go into Politics are not interested in giving perks to themselves above all else ?
    Do we really think the opposition would be any better ?
    Argentina one hundred years ago, was one of the Richest States on Earth however, with Nepotism and Political corruption they are reduced to 200% inflation and people there do not use the ARG Peso, they use the American Dollar.
    I support Orbans views on regulating immigration however, he must stop this blatant Nepotism when giving State Contracts to his cronies as the population are tired of this secrecy .
    Thanks,……Abe ( uk )

  5. Heinous – acts of CRIME that have been carried out led by orchestrated by the Prime Minister of Hungary -Victor Mihaly. Orban – and his ENTIRE – Fidesz Government of Hungary – DEPLORABLE / Monstrous.
    The CORRUPTIVENESS – in all cores of it’s being – from the name Orban, the Fidesz Government of Hungary, the POWER Brokers, the “inner sanctum” – the OLIGARCHY – of the Fidesz Party – that HAVE “bleed dry” – crushed and obliviated – destroyed much in part of Hungary – for there OWN pockets and BENEFITS – at the expense of MILLIONS of Hungarians, reducing the QUALITY of there Lives – DESPICABLE.
    Hungarians – all on your shoulders as it is US – who have FEED, supported this REGIME – of the Fidesz Political Party, that have delivered to us this CATASTROPHE.

  6. Have to agree with @michaelsteiner re getting out the facts, and that “erasing a party” is … Not the way. And of course Mr. Magyar is not an outsider. Unfortunately, however – things get very tricky without someone from “the inside”. A whistleblower. A reformed character (not getting into the “why” of the reform – major weeds).

    https://www.newstatesman.com/world/2021/03/how-hungarys-elite-made-fortune-eu – WE ( the Hungarian tax payer) ended up footing the bill for Mr. Tiborcz little first venture. EU being difficult? Let´s make their investigation go away by having Hungary pay the deat Mr. Tiborcz – to err is human!).

  7. What’s wrong with “erased”? Too harsh? Ok how about “purged and flushed out into the sewer”. These are corrupt bandits who are sucking Hungary dry and selling the country to the Russians while all the Hungarians who died under Russian occupation roll in their graves.

  8. @Larry – exposed and duly tried in a court of law? Something to be said for keeping the moral high ground, Prove that the opposition will do things, differently.

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