Phone application for refugees to find their way around in Hungary
According to, when the Hungarian authorities change in every day or even every hour that people can get on the trains to Austria or not, you can imagine how much a refugee can understand from this chaos, who speaks less English than the policeman.
The refugees become more and more tense when they understand even less than the authorities why they have to leave the train at Bicske, once they have a valid ticket.
Nina wanted to solve such situation, when she approached a couple of her friends to develop an application for Migration Aid, through which refugees can get information in an intelligible form about what to do when they arrived in Hungary.
InfoAid is an app that allows the users to get information from Migration Aid group in multiple languages about that what kind of rules apply to them, where they can get care and what happens in traffic.
For example, if Austria does not accept trains from Hungary again, then this information will get to the refugees go to the west the last.
According to the spokesperson of Migration Aid, the refugees should also know that tap water is drinkable in Hungary, because it is not basic for everyone, but many people do not know where to buy train tickets, so it often happens they get counterfeits.
According to Zsuzsanna Zsohar, InfoAid would be a huge help for them, because refugees would know where they can get medical care, but they can also draw their attention to things like to collect garbage, because local people do not like when the rubbish left behind them.
The refugees generally do not have reliable information on where and why they have to register and what it exactly means. Through the application it can be explained that they should not climb over the fence, they should cross the border in the designated points.
We also like to inform them what kind of rules apply to them and what awaits them after September 15, when the restrictions come into effect, which are for the managing of the refugee crisis, said.
The developers aim the refugees get the message in a language they understand, so besides English, they can choose Arab, Pastu, Farsi, Urdu and Greek language as well.
The app is currently in progress, it runs only in Android, but soon it will be in iPhone as well. The news of the app will be sent to the refugees by the Migration Aid activists, a few hundred people have already started to use it.
For the refugees, smart phone is irreplaceable to navigate on the road, but they also shared their information among themselves on Facebook or WhatsApp. But many times, false information spread which increases the already-existing distrust.
based on the article of
translated by BA