PM Orbán: Hungary’s ruling parties ‘the opposition to pro-migration Brussels’
Hungary’s ruling parties are “the opposition to a pro-migration Brussels”, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said in a video uploaded to Facebook on Tuesday.
Speaking after a board meeting of his ruling party, Orbán said Fidesz MEPs “fighting in Brussels” had presented “a report from the battlefield.” He said the EU had “launched a campaign of lies” against Hungary by claiming that Hungary was not obliged to accommodate illegal migrants.
He said Hungary opposed the EU migration pact because it would force member states to allow migrants in and set up “migrant ghettos, completely dismantling Hungary’s border protection system”.
Orbán said
Hungary has spent some 2 billion euros on border controls so far and “deserves an award rather than punishment.”
“When it comes to migration, it’s enough to make just one mistake; countries with weak governments and leaders allowed migrants in and they will never be able to get rid of them,” he said.
“We won’t allow that … they can appoint a governor or install a puppet government, but we won’t give in,” he said while the video showed images of Péter Magyar, the leader of the opposition Tisza Party.
read also:
PM Orbán’s adviser concerned for EU migration pact
Orbán: The West is panicking over migration, the greatest problem threatening to pull the EU apart
Some of the problems caused by Brussels’ immigration policies:
– increase in crime, especially against women and girls
-extra pressure on the housing market
-higher inflation due to the cost of supporting the uneducated migrants
-establishment of no-go zones
-unassimilable groups, Turkish Muslims are still Turkish Muslims and not Germans after 30 years
-increased pressure on services, e.g. medical and education
-increase in currency export
-treatment of European women as second-class citizens
***The migration did not have one positive redeeming quality.