PM Orbán revealed some important details about the Pride-ban law

Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán talked about the controversial Pride law the Hungarian Parliament accepted this week amid smoke bomb explosions. He revealed when and how the police will use the new rules provided the Budapest Pride 2025 is organised.
Budapest mayor confident about Pride 2025
Budapest Mayor Gergely Karácsony seems confident about the Budapest Pride 2025, a march of LGBTQ+ individuals and supporters on the Hungarian capital’s main avenue, Andrássy Street. He said Budapest was a community that accepted and supported LGBTQ+ people, and regardless of parliament or government ban, they would participate in the march. However, he did not hang the LGBTQ flag on the city hall. As a result, Krisztina Baranyi, the mayor of Ferencváros, Budapest’s 9th district, called him the most cowardly mayor of Budapest of all time.
The new Hungarian Pride law bans such events, theoretically, to protect children from seeing LGBTQ+ people at an open event in the heart of the city. The Orbán cabinet believes such scenes would be harmful to the kids’ development.
PM Orbán revealed some details about the execution of the new law
Asked whether he would ban the Pride March in Hungary, he said ahead of a meeting of the Patriots for Europe party group in Brussels: “We are not there yet… We changed the constitution [to say] that the basic rights of the kids, to have the proper growing up and education is which is well ahead of all the other basic rights of the citizens of Hungary. That’s what we have done, which could be the basis to ban anything that could be against the interests of the children. What we are doing is to protect our children,” Orbán said.

Organisers of the Pride March will have to turn to the authorities and await their decision, he said. He also emphasised that no one would be arrested at such an event. However, they would be fined, he said. “If you break the law, you have to pay.”
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These laws do not protect children, they condemn them to a life of guilt and shame.
Nobody chooses their sexuality, either you are gay or you aren’t.
This has nothing about being gay or whatever. It’s 2025. Nobody cares.
This is about the way they go about it. If it was really about acceptance, they’d all dress, look, and act like normal people in order to show the heterosexual majority that they are indeed normal people (which they are). Instead, these marches are replete with obscene and degenerate behavior, which repels normal people, ironically including many gays, etc. themselves.
Also, the “LGB” part is very different from the Wi-Fi password that’s been tacked on to it. The former is perfectly okay and, as I said, nobody gives a hoot; the latter are mental illnesses.
Transgender is not mental illness, at least according to science.
Questioning sexual orientation (the q letter in the wi-fi password) is not mental illness but can lead to mental illness symptoms, especially in a toxic environment that seems to prevail in Hungary and in other religious conservative societies. Spreading the avereness of these issues is important but conservatives rather want to oppress this minority and label anyone who is questioning their sexual orientation as mentally ill – which is sad.
Homosexuality is not something your are born with. It taught. Sexuality is not a choice. Your born either a boy or girl. If you have “guilt or shame” seek professional help.
Not according to science. Although science does not have a definite answer how human sexuality develops. And oh yes, you are born as a boy or girl, but you cannot simply define sexual orientation according to the gender you are born with, at least according to science.
Professional help from a therapist is good if you feel the need for support to figure your sexual orientation, as long as you do not seek help from religious conservatives and similar who offer reparative therapy, but instead from proper professionals with scientific education.
What does the average person in Hungary really care about if there is a “gay parade”? Fidesz is in deep trouble with dissatisfaction over corruption, inflation, decline of public services and a low standard of living. They have been trying for years to distract the public from their real problems by having them focus on issues that have little to do with their day to day existence. This isn’t working anymore but Fidesz has no alternative poltical method so they double down on an issue that isn’t really drawing support for them by in this case outlawing the Pride parade. This really has the potential to backfire on Fidesz as the public senses that their freedom of assembly and public expression is being taken away from them.