PM Orbán signs bilateral key strategic partnership agreement with President Erdogan

The “grand plan” is for Turks and Hungarians to be “winners together in the 21st century”, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán said after signing a bilateral priority strategic partnership agreement with Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan on Monday.
Orbán told a press conference after the agreement was signed that “in the language of diplomacy, this expresses the strongest possible friendly, brotherly and political cooperation”.
The prime minister said that although Hungarians had “lost the previous century”, the plan now was to “win the 21st century”, for which Hungary was seeking allies.
“That is what this priority strategic status is about,” he said, adding that Hungary and Türkiye wanted to work as closely together as the two peoples and countries possibly could.
Orbán said this was “a serious commitment” made in the hope that what had been laid out in the Turkish president’s programme, “namely that the next one hundred years will belong to Türkiye”, would come true.
EU and Türkiye
He said Hungary would do everything it could during its presidency of the Council of the European Union next year to revamp the customs union between the EU and Türkiye as well as supporting Türkiye on the issue of visa liberalisation.
Bilateral ecomic ties
Turning to bilateral economic ties, Orbán said Hungary and Türkiye doubled their bilateral trade turnover in the space of just over ten years. He noted that 500 Turkish businesses are present in Hungary, while 100 Hungarian firms are active in Türkiye. Turkish investments in Hungary are growing in both number and value, he said. Since these investments have expanded to new sectors, he added, Hungary and Türkiye also signed agreements on railway developments and the defence industry.
Orbán emphasised Türkiye’s role in Hungary’s general security and energy security, saying Hungary would be unable to keep migration at bay without Türkiye.
As we wrote today, Hungary and Türkiye sign new agreement for the most extensive energy cooperation ever, details HERE.
Ukraine, energy security
Concerning the war in Ukraine, the prime minister said Türkiye had been the only country to achieve any results in connection with peace and grain shipments. Türkiye, he noted, had also just taken command of the KFOR mission in Kosovo, where 465 Hungarian troops are stationed.
As regards energy security, Orbán said he and Erdogan agreed on Hungary purchasing natural gas directly from Türkiye in addition to receiving gas delivered through the country.

Hungary and Türkiye are also developing ties between their universities, Orbán said, noting that Hungary has offered 200 scholarships to Turkish university students. Next year, he added, will be dedicated to the joint Hungarian-Turkish cultural season to mark the centenary of the two countries’ diplomatic ties. Orbán added that 2025 will be declared the year of cooperation in Hungarian science and innovation.
The short-term bilateral programme “is specific”, while the medium-term programmes “are appealing”, the prime minister said, adding that when it came to strategic and historic issues, the two countries had the same goals and intent. Hungary and Türkiye were elevating bilateral ties to an all-time high, he said.
President Erdogan reacts
Erdogan praised Türkiye and Hungary’s long-standing friendly ties, saying both countries were willing to expand bilateral relations.
He highlighted the “very strong” historical and cultural links between the two countries, expressing his appreciation for Hungary’s presence in the Organization of Turkic States as an observer.
Türkiye and Hungary, he said, aimed to stimulate investments in each other’s countries along with joint investments in third countries, and sought to further deepen their cooperation in the defence and energy industries.
Erdogan expressed his country’s support for Hungary’s successful EU presidency in the second half of 2024.
Meanwhile, the Turkish president said violence did not yield solutions, noting that Türkiye was focused on a diplomatic solution to the war in Ukraine, and he urged a ceasefire in Gaza.
Erdogan, who is visiting Hungary to attend a meeting of the Hungarian-Turkish High-level Strategic Cooperation Council, signed a joint political declaration with Orbán on the two countries’ priority strategic partnership.
Also, Hungarian and Turkish ministers signed cooperation agreements on social services, the Hungarian-Turkish year of innovation, research and development, defence and foreign affairs, nuclear energy, civilian state of emergency as well as audiovisual political and government communication, among other areas.
Hungary and Türkiye are launching a year-long Hungarian-Turkish cultural season on Monday to mark the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Republic of Türkiye as well as their diplomatic relations.
As we wrote today, President Novák received her counterpart Erdogan with a military salute at Heroes’ Square in Budapest, details HERE.
Orban spends his days spinning grandiose statements about Hungary “winning the 21 century” while Hungarians just want to win their next paycheque. He is out of touch with day to day life of ordinary Hungarians. What do you think Hungarians out there think about this latest pronouncement by Orban when they have trouble feeding their families due to high prices and low wages?
Concur – Anonymous.
The simplicity respectfully that you write appreciated.
It continues as an on-going “balls up” the “rape” – the defacement, a deepening nadir into a massive descending black hole, that Orban, the un-known planet, that he is on, out of touch with reality, the people of Hungary in millions, the ordinary people of Hungary, that could, repeat could – end in a humongous capitulation of Hungary.
21st century he Orban talks, his propaganda again coming out as FALSENESS – that lacks substance & fact.
Hungarians need to look long & hard – from “all stations in life” with driven conscience to reach FACT in there answer, to this question.
“Is Hungary to-day still operated in to many NATIONAL functions throughout it’s entire operation, as a country, in this, the 21st century likened to a 3rd World country.”
It “spears” me personally, that I must answer – YES.