PM Orbán is discontented: he is preparing for a purge and wants coming outs

The popularity of PM Orbán’s party, Fidesz, is stagnating in Hungary but Péter Magyar’s formation, the Tisza Party, is emerging quickly. Some pollsters already say they are only 4-5% behind Fidesz. Therefore, Orbán wants significant changes, he is preparing for a purge in Fidesz replacing incapable politicians and MP candidates. Some insiders even talk about changes in the government. Moreover, following the latest scandal involving a priest who engaged in homosexual activities, informants say Orbán wants discreet coming outs of party and government officials concerned.

Orbán is preparing for a purge in Fidesz

Szabad Európa talked with several insiders about the changes PM Orbán would like to introduce in the Fidesz party to prepare his political community for the 2026 general elections. Such measures are more important than ever since Orbán’s biggest opponent, Péter Magyar, the ex-husband of former Justice Minister Judit Varga, continuously emerges in the polls and his support seems to solidify. Before, Fidesz officials thought Magyar’s rise would only be temporary.

First, Orbán plans to replace unsuccessful Fidesz MP candidates and organisers of the electoral districts. Among others, Szabad Európa’s sources talked about the leaders in Győr, Szombathely, Pápa, Érd, Csepel (Budapest’s 21st district), and Budakeszi. Tamás Menczer, for example, did outstanding campaign work to win his mandate in 2022, but Orbán believes the electoral district leader in that constituency is weak so he should be sacked.

Szilárd Németh Fidesz Orbán
Szilárd Németh, one of the strongmen of Fidesz, VP of the party, can also be sacked soon. Photo: FB/Szilárd Németh

40% of the MP candidates may be sacked

Gábor Kubatov, the party director and the VP of Fidesz, talked about replacing 33% of the MP candidates, but Szabad Európa’s insider sources increased that rate to 40%. That rate is interesting because, in 2022, 86 of the 106 Fidesz MP candidates won their constituencies.

Mobilisation for the elections is key for Orbán and he was dissatisfied with it on the 9 June European parliamentary elections in many constituencies.

An informant told Szabad Európa that Orbán was especially dissatisfied with the new generation of the Fidesz, who did not have to suffer and work in opposition. Among others, he regularly slams the spectacularly luxurious life some of them live.

Viktor Orbán refugee camp
Orbán in Kötcse. Behind closed doors, he critcised the slow state bureaucracy for not acquiring more EU money. Photo: Facebook / Orbán Viktor

It seems the prime minister is discontented with the work of the government-close influencers as well. Therefore, he would like influencer politicians in the first row. In the communication branch, he believes that some key figure’s performance does not meet the expectations, so some may be sacked soon to revitalise the system and boost others to work harder.

More coming outs may come

Following the numerous homosexual scandals concerning the Fidesz party (HERE is the latest involving a government-close Roman Catholic priest), Orbán would like discreet coming outs to neutralise future attacks.

Father Gergő Bese gay parties
The Roman Catholic priest admitted he took part on gay parties. Photo: FB/Gergő Bese

Will November bring changes in the government?

Some sources talk about a possible change in the government, while others deny that such plans exist because the general elections are too close in time. Insiders talk about the replacement of FM Péter Szijjártó. If the gossip are true, he would continue as foreign trade minister, while Gergely Gulyás or Balázs Orbán could act as foreign minister. Szabad Európa writes that Gulyás’ network including EPP and CDU prominent figures makes him irreplaceable, so sending him to Berlin as ambassador is unlikely.

Another government member gossips talk about is Interior Minister Sándor Pintér (77) who could be replaced by Marcell Bíró, Orbán’s national security advisor. Moreover, Orbán is believed to be dissatisfied with Agriculture Minister Sándor Fazekas due to his poor media performance during the Danube flood.

Sources believe Orbán will wait for the outcome of the US presidential elections before he starts reshaping his cabinet. Others said there would be no modifications because there is not enough time for it before the elections.

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Orbán betting on Trump’s victory. Will he be right? And what will happen if not? Photo: FB/Orbán

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  1. Orban sees the writing on the wall and he is shuffling the deck chairs of the Titanic in desperation. There will now be a purge of homosexuals in Fidesz. Incompetent politicians will be forced out. The problem is that if Orban forces out 40% of the politicians as quoted in this article what does that say about the party? What was the party doing putting them in office in the first place? That means that the leadership of the party is incompetent which is Orban himself.

  2. Other issue is what will these other 40% Fidesz MPs do, presuming some or many will not remain loyal to Orban and Fidesz, but their constituents may still support their MP and give support to other parties esp. Tisza?

    Surprisingly risky move if not managed well eg. especially if disgruntled former Fidesz MPs start talking to media versius Fidesz….

  3. In case the Viktator loses the next Election….will he go to prison for all the money he stole over the years from Hungary?

  4. If Fidesz really where in touch with REALITY – living in the REAL – DEMOCRATIC World, they would have commenced – possible by NOW – removed there “infamous” leader from POWER – Victor Mihaly. Orban.
    They have just PLAYED along to Orbans “tune” seeing the on-going COLLAPSE under the Orban – Fidesz Government of Hungary GROW into what it is to-day a cataclysmic CHAOTIC Disaster.
    The “muting’s” which are more PROPAGANDA than FACT of Orbans – PURGE – stop and THINK Hungarians – the BIGGER Mess this would impose the “internal” RAMIFICATIONS – on our country adding to – INCREASING the CHAOS – Disorder – social/citizens – the population of Hungary – what Orban and his Fidesz Government after 15 years have DELIVERED us – being a country in CRISIS.
    The BLOOD letting that would SATURATE the Fidesz Party in the event of an Orban “Purge” be HORRENDOUS.
    It ALL possibilities – with Orban and his “inner sanctum” plus his Oligarchy – the GARGANTUAN imploding process that could “play out” in the Fidesz Political Party – it could maybe eventuate into being similar to the FATE that bought about the turning of Italians in there millions against Mussolini in April of 1945.
    PRESSURIZATION is currently HUMONGOUS in weight ALL over on Orban – in Hungary, in the European Union, in NATO, in Schengen, in the United States of America and Great Britain and Northern Ireland, and ALL Global country’s that are GOVERNED under DEMOCRACY.
    Orban – has caused the DISTILLATION of DEMOCRACY in Hungary.
    Orban – his Fidesz Government have SUPPORTED him.
    Orban – has had the SUPPORT of the “inner sanctum” of his Fidesz Government, the likes of Mihaly Varga and Peter Szijjarto – Gergely Gulyas just to name “few” – to DESTROY democracy in Hungary in favour of returning Hungary to a Dictatorial Communistic Regime form of Government with RELATIONSHIPS and PARTNERSHIPS – deepening with Russia and China.
    Orban – over 20 years plus has meet with TOTALITY of SUPPORT from the Oligarchy.
    Orban – the “muting’s” of his PURGE – which will have NO Hope of being an IMAGE or FACE changer to the SINKING State position that he Orban and his Fidesz Government have DELIVERED Hungary – that WORSENS.
    Orban – the DEBT of his Fidesz Government – the DEBT on the shoulders of the Hungarian Population.
    Government Debt – from BORROWINGS from China and Russia.
    Hungary’s DEBT to the European Union – Fines imposed and compounding interest rate’s that this DEBT is PERILOUS on top of ALL the “other” Debts of the Orban – Fidesz Government.
    Orban – “mutes” a PURGE.
    If he instigated his PURGE – April 1945 as occurred in Milan – be NOT surprised if in Hungary we witnessed a 21st century near likened re-enactment.
    Hungarians – there is a GROWING anger occurring amongst US.

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