President Novák: Starting a family will save the world
The world can be saved by starting a family, Katalin Novák told students of church-run Bingham Young University in Provo, Utah.
Katalin Novák told the students that she wanted to meet members of a generation that could “make a difference in the world”.
The West, she said, was experiencing a “demographic ice age” and not a single European country had a replacement rate for keeping population numbers steady.
The president outlined Hungarian government family policy measures that encourage childbearing, noting that the number of marriages has doubled in the past decade, while the number of failed pregnancies had halved.
She said it was not worth sacrificing family life and childbearing for the sake of a career.
Meanwhile, asked about the war in Ukraine, Novák said Hungary, as a neighbour of the country, prized peace above all else, and countries far removed from the conflict did not properly understand the situation. Novák noted that Hungarians citizens of Ukraine had also lost their lives in the war.
She said the US would inevitably become involved in the peace process and assume a primary role. With a US president “on the side of peace”, the chance of peace in Ukraine was far higher, she added.
On the topic of religion, Novák said Hungary would never abandon its Christianity of one thousand years. Tolerance, she added, was an important value but “we cannot be tolerant by denying our identity”.
The president also held talks with Spencer Cox, the Republican governor of the state of Utah, in the state legislature.
Cox praised Hungary’s pro-family approach which the state of Utah, he said, shared in many respects, with faith playing a role. He said his state runs a family affairs office whose job is to protect families and encourage childbearing.
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but only one kind of family, correct ? the one in line with 1000 old Christianity principles by which noble families were sending their boys to take positions in the church and manipulate the wider audience in the Churches. The same that wanted to bring the real God to muslims…I believe we shall be more rational….
Katalin. You, as Fidesz always does, failed to mention Russia as a necessary party to peace. Russia needs a leader committed to peace not war and it is Putin who launched this war. It is not the US you need to address but plain and simple it is Russia . Ukraine lived in peace until it was brutally attacked by Russia which is bent on imperial conquest and led by wanted war criminal. Free nations of the world will support Ukraine to defend itself while snivelling Fidesz opportunists seek Russian favour by continually opposing Ukraine’s defence.
Yes to FV and yes to Larry.
Katalin’s comment “not worth sacrificing family life and childbearing for the sake of a career” is one of the most dated things I have read. The divide between males and females in this country is huge, so that’s her message of encouragement to young females is it, just breed and know your place … Not even any female members in Parliament (another record we’re first in apparently).
No wonder the young people are leaving this country.