PM Orbán: President Trump will end the war in Ukraine

As part of his peace mission, Prime Minister Viktor Orbán met former US president Donald Trump on Thursday evening, the PM’s press chief said in a statement.
Based on Bloomberg, the Orbán-Trump summit shortly after the Orbán-Putin meeting strengthens worries that the Hungarian prime minister mediates between Trump and Putin. The Republican presidential candidate voiced several times that he would end the war in Ukraine and bring all American citizens home from Russian prisons.
Based on anonymous insiders talking to, Trump did not ask the Hungarian prime minister to help hammer out a Ukrainian-Russian peace agreement. The source said the meeting was informal.
About the Orbán-Trump meeting, Bertalan Havasi, Orbán’s press chief, said that prospects for peace were discussed in Mar-a-Lago, Florida.
Foreign minister: ‘Massive tragedy’ if NATO turned into ‘anti-China bloc’
Whereas Hungary backs NATO cooperation with Indo-Pacific countries, this must not come at the expense of the potential “massive tragedy” of forming an “anti-China bloc” Péter Szijjártó, the foreign minister, said on the closing day of the NATO summit in Washington, DC on Thursday.
Szijjártó said it was “fine” if NATO focused on cooperation in the Indian Ocean region but only as long as it was not “directed against someone”. He said Hungary would not support “anyone pushing NATO’s Indo-Pacific relations in the direction of NATO becoming an anti-China bloc. That would be a massive tragedy.”
He said the world was already experiencing blockades, which were not in Hungary’s interests, “so we don’t want NATO to be an alliance against anyone”.
The minister welcomed that Indo-Pacific partnerships embraced “friendly countries such as South Korea and Japan”, noting their major role in Hungary’s economy and “automotive revolution”.
But NATO must take into consideration its role as a defence alliance when building foreign relations, he said. “We cannot become an aggressor alliance” and form “an anti-China bloc,” he added.
Read also:
.. And release the Jan. 6 insurrectionalists …
As the Members of the Hungarian Institute of International Affairs hold closed-door meetings with the conservative Heritage Foundation thinktank in Washington DC. Speaking of memory lapses – Mr. Trump does not recall anything or anyone regarding the Foundation´s Project, even though a large group of former Trump administration officials and advisors have worked on and endorsed the project (including Mr. Bannon …). Lovely.
Blueprint for a Brave New World!
This piece from Foreign Policy magazine “How Orban Became Putin’s Pawn” is a must read. Orban has best been described as Putin’s “most useful idiot.”
The “infamous” 45th President of the United States of America, a convicted Felon, with still number(s) of judical matters still to be bought before the Courts of America, that now, adding to his cognitive “manufactured” design – DECLINE – memory loss, when “others” of his employ FACTUALLY remember the factuality of the Foundation 25 Project, the “Gofer” role being DISPLAYED – played and acted out by the President of the European Union, the “present” Prime Minister of Hungary – Victor Mihaly. Orban – the WORD to “end the war” – the invasion of Russia on the Ukraine will be CAPITULATION.
Trump, if he returns to the White House, as is Orban to Europe, will NOT be a HEALER of the troubled un-certain times in Europe presently, but will “Fuel” and “Feed” – create broader and far wider devastation – separation & division into Europe, by his style – his incapabilities – of bringing about peace and resolving matters of War.
Trump like Orban – want to Re-model NATO.
The “gofer” – V. M. Orban – travels on.
Orban – what’s the next “port of call” – Marine Le Pen ???
The “infamous” 45th President of the United States of America, a convicted Felon, with still number(s) of judical matters still to be bought before the Courts of America, that now, adding to his cognitive “manufactured” design – DECLINE – memory loss, when “others” of his employ FACTUALLY remember the factuality of the Foundation 25 Project, the “Gofer” role being DISPLAYED – played and acted out by the President of the European Union, the “present” Prime Minister of Hungary – Victor Mihaly. Orban – the WORD to “end the war” – the invasion of Russia on the Ukraine will be CAPITULATION.
Trump, if he returns to the White House, as is Orban to Europe, will NOT be a HEALER of the troubled un-certain times in Europe presently, but will “Fuel” and “Feed” – create broader and far wider devastation – separation & division into Europe, by his style – his incapabilities – of bringing about peace and resolving matters of War.
Trump like Orban – want to Re-model NATO.
The “gofer” – V. M. Orban – travels on.
Orban – what’s the next “port of call” – Marine Le Pen ???
Of course he’ll end the war.
With Trump as President, Zelensky will stop receiving a blank check costing the U.S. taxpayers hundreds of billions of dollars for a war going nowhere fast. He’ll have to sit down with Putin instead and hash out a compromise.
Roll on, November!
Jan 6th in Washington was a protest against a lax election process. Only one innocent woman was murdered by a police. President Trump first asked Pelosi as well as the mayor of Washington DC to call in the National Guard. The President’s request was ignored. President Trump also called for “peaceful protest”.
Norbert, I resent your comments because you are manipulation facts to suit your hate and did not tell all the truth. If the election results in Hungary would have been run the same way as the 2020 US election, Hungarians would also be up in arms.
Dear, dear Larry, I must suppose that you enjoy watching Ukraine being destroyed and hundreds killed. Why not just say I love war.
It is commendable that P.M. Orban is trying to create peace. He is the only leader that wants peace in Ukraine. If anyone, it will be able, it will be President Trump that will end the war. So, P.M. Orban talking to Ukraine, Russia, China and President Trump is the right start to end this horrible war.
Dearest Maria Von Foot in Mouth, everything in your first paragraph is gaslighting. Everything in your second paragraph is factulally incorrect. Everything in your third and fourth paragraph is rapid right wing fantasy.
If Steiner and Maria were in charge in 1956 we would all be speaking Russian.
What kind of people are Hungarians who allow a leader who supports war criminals and the of killing of children, who smiles as he sucks up to Trump a convicted fraud and rapist, why aren’t the people of Hungary on the street demanding civility, humanity and the overthrow of this government? The Hungarian are simply stupid sheep following their master.
Jjanos, Hungarian people elected a person that puts the welfare of Hungarians first.
Zelensky had every chance to avoid the war. Now, I would like you to name some wars where children were not killed, I cannot find one on the net. What do you think a war should be. Think of the destruction and death warmongers like you ignore. Hiroshima and Nagasaki are a good reason to avoid war.
As far as President Trump goes, until the Supreme Court, the final authority pronounces the President’s guilty, the decision is pending. First, the case was politically motivated, secondly, the presiding biased judge has not made a decision because of the Supreme Court decision.
The opposition leader in Hungary should be jailed for wife abuse. Many Hungarians have low standards and do not object when women are beaten. Also, quite a number of protestors are paid. Hungarians are the first to grab an easy-jobs with high pay.
Now, if you live in North America, your safety is in peril, food prices are unaffordable by ordinary people, young people like in the EU cannot afford to buy homes, some even have problems paying for rent. Energy prices are very high, and some people have to choose between food or a tank of gas.
The standard of living in the EU is lowered in the past 5 years. The safety of women is in jeopardy due to the influx of thousands of uneducated, lazy, criminal illegal aliens; aliens that the EU countries refuse to deport.
The people in Hungary, especially Hungarian Jewish people are safe. Children are not mutilated nor poisoned by drugs. Hungarian education is at a higher standard than in US. Hungary also has free press and free speech. Referendums are issued to consult the people on important issues, e.g. criminal illegal aliens’ admittance or participation in Ukraine/Russia war. The people said no. The government responded to the wishes of the people. That is real democracy.
Hungarians often complain about their Medicare. Well in North America people see a doctor an average 3 times a year, in Hungary the number is 10. It seems that Hungarians get better care, or the population runs to the doctors’ offices when bored.
It is amazing that Hungarian do not appreciate what their country provides, safety, peace and with hard work prosperity.
So as far as foreigner commentors are concerned, unless there are no problems in your country, shut up. Concentrate on making your country utopia. It seems foreign commentators are so miserable in their home countries’ they cannot bear to even criticize their socialist government.
The people of Hungary can and will decide their fate.
Maria Von Foot in Mouth, the data in my comment is true. Recently, a voice print between Ms. Pelosi and her daughter was released. In the voice print, Rep. Pelosi admitted that the National Guard was requested by President Trump.
Ashli Bobbit was shot by Kevin D. Greeson, a Capitol Police Officer.
Now Larry, if you were against the Ukraine/Russia war, you would cheer for P.M. Orban; the only leader that wants peace.
Mr. Steiner comments were always accurate. The data was not manipulated. Had most of you commentators took the trouble to do some research, you would be embarrassed by your comments.
President Trump choice J.D. Vance as his Vice President running mate. J.D. Vance is totally against funding the Ukrainian foreign war. Zelensky has until Jan 20/25 to either win the war or cede territory. After that date, the US purse will be dried up.