Protesters occupy Budapest Liberty Bridge, demanding withdrawal of controversial assembly law amendment – videos, photos

Opposition demonstrators at a protest in central Budapest organised by independent lawmaker Ákos Hadházy demanded the withdrawal of a recent amendment to the law on the right of assembly on Tuesday.

Last week, Parliament passed a law that allows the banning of events that the authorities consider to be in breach of child protection. Critics say the biggest problem with the law is that it infringes on the fundamental right of assembly, which should not be shaped and restricted by the government of the day. This could be a dangerous procedure for the future, when, for example, Fidesz may be in a minority. You can read about what happened here:

Hadházy told the event that the demonstration had fulfilled its goal because police had allowed the participants to occupy “only” a part of Ferenciek Square, yet a group of protesters blocked the road leading up to Elisabeth Bridge and held up traffic for two hours.

He called for resistance against the government, and said that in addition to the withdrawal of the amendment passed last week, they also wanted to prevent future measures that could restrict the activities of the opposition.

He said a series of protests would continue next week. Hadházy said the amendment to the assembly law was not just about the Pride march, but about the government “using every means it can to prevent demonstrations it doesn’t like, because it feels its support slipping”. He said a series of protests would continue next week.

Krisztina Baranyi, the mayor of the 9th district, said that though the most important goal was to replace the government, this did not mean that they should seek a compromise.

German MEP Daniel Freund accused the government of having appropriated 14 billion euros in European Union funds.

Momentum deputy leader Lajos Lőcsei talked about protecting minorities, saying it was “a disadvantage” to be a Roma in Hungary today. He called for “ending segregation”.

Though the demonstration had been advertised as a non-partisan event, several protesters carried the flags of opposition Momentum and the Democratic Coalition (DK). Several opposition politicians were present in the crowd, including DK’s László Varju and independent MP Antal Csárdi.

The demonstration at Ferenciek Square was still ongoing when a group of protesters marched over to the Pest bridgehead of Liberty Bridge, blocking traffic there. Police lined up to block the crowd near the Buda bridgehead. The protesters then split into two groups, with one group going back to Elisabeth Bridge and the other moving farther south to Petőfi Bridge. Police lined up to block both groups at the Buda bridgeheads.

You can watch the protests live:


  1. Protecting children at all costs is the Matriarch way . Stats are the lgbtq are 90 percent a mental issue originating from child sexual abuse so pychologically , you need treatment . We do not need to know who your screwing thats just sexual abuse ,keep that crap in your bedroom. To stop protests so that you can control people ,thats just vile and inhumane . Did you learn nothing from 1956 . Those women didnt stand so you could all fall . Wake up . trust no man .

    • What a load of propaganda crap. You are not protecting children; you are oppressing minorities, including underage children. LGBTQ is not a mental issue, but with your oppression it will become a mental issue for some people in the LGBTQ minority. Nobody is telling you who they screw with, it is just your own fantasy in your own head. You seem to have a mental issue. You are a vile and inhumane to judge people without knowing them. You wake up and learn about facts of life instead of reading and spreading propaganda.

  2. SOLIDARITY of Hungarians.
    Freedom and LIBERTY.
    The RIGHTS of Citizens under DEMOCRACY – to “Orderly” object – challenge a GOVERNMENT in the case of the Orban led Fidesz Government, that SUPPOSIVELY “parades” itself – promotes itself of being a DEMOCRACY.
    Hungarians – in millions GROWING – the FALSENESS of the Orban led Fidesz Government “parading” itself is just an on-going BLATANT LIE.
    The subject of this article and “other” – in recent time, the use of “Rule by Decree” – what they have made “into law” the changes to Migration/Immigration – relating to the status of Residence Permits – targeting – Americans, Canadians, Australians and New Zealanders – hundreds having lived in Hungary for years, the REJECTION of there newly submitted residence permit application, stating YOU no longer meet the criteria to remain and live in Hungary, these countrys being either DEMOCRACY’s or “other” – but these passport holders are being KICKED out of Hungary, by this “heinous” – Orban led Fidesz Government.
    Weare advised that Embassy’s of the refered country’s and Brussels, the European Union, have been ADVISED and continue to be FEED information that comes to hand relating to the Orban led Fidesz Government, in there CULLING of the people from America, Canada, Australia and New Zealand.
    The PRESSURIZATION on Orban and his Fidesz Government – there DEFENCE pointed DIRECTLY to us the people of HUNGARY, will GROW in being SEEN – deepening in the practice of a DICTATORSHIP.
    Hungarians – they are HUMONGOUSLY on the back foot, running for cover, out of options to STEEM this growing CITIZENSHIP angst – displeasure disapproval in the Orban led Governments – DICTATORIAL process.
    Orban, his Fidesz Government – have NO way out of the CATACYSMIC destruction they as a Government over the course of (16) sixteen years have DELIVERED us to LIVE in, that continues to WORSEN.
    Truth is TRUTH.
    Truth & Facts – a LETHAL cocktail – thrown back into the face of Orban and his Fidesz Government.
    In SOLIDARITY – letting TRUTH free the “Lion” in the word, it doesn’t NEED defending, it DEFENDS itself.
    TRUTH – the MAJOR plus IMPACT it will contribute to bring about the needed DOWNFALL of Victor Mihaly. Orban and his Fidesz Government, and the destruction of the Fidesz Political Party.

  3. Great to see in the videos that especially our nation’s youth is taking a clear stand against authoritarian oppression of minorities and government anti-EU policies. There is still hope for a brighter future for Hungary as long as the young generation will not let the age old conservative leaders take Hungary backwards.

  4. Fidesz is on its’ way out. It will be inevitable. Protests will only get bigger the more Orban and his criminal government tries to use repression against the Hungarian people. If you don’t want to live in a repressive mini-Russia that is separating itself from Europe the time is now to stand up for democracy, rule of law and human rights in Hungary.

  5. What is on its way out is the whacky liberal traditions and policies our children are harmed by and exposed to, including men in little girl’s locker rooms, pornographic books in grade school libraries, drag queen story hours in kids libraries, yay!!! Everything is going in the right direction! Now if they can just crack down on some more pedophiles, the world might just be a whole a lot healthier psychologically for our most vulnerable little ones! Keep your sexual presences at home in your own bedroom (as long as they are legal.)

    Here are some of the beautiful things appearing during LGBTQ Pride parades!

    Explicit nudity: Outfits or performances that expose genitals or breasts.
    Suggestive poses or dances: Actions designed to mimic sexual acts.
    Fetish gear: Leather harnesses, whips, or other items associated with BDSM.
    Sex toys: Public displays of vibrators, dildos, or other sex toys.
    Lewd signs or chants: Profanity or sexually explicit messages.
    Public sex acts: Any form of sexual intercourse or oral sex in public view.

    • hi! thanks for your bigoted nonsensical fear mongering but none of that crap is new, it is exactly what was said about gays and lesbians in the ‘70s, ‘80s and ‘90s. you’re just recycling it, this time trying to frame trans people and those who do drag or enjoy fetishes as though they are threats to children. we are not! we emphasise CONSENT! something you and the reactionaries you belong to DO NOT want to be the centre of the conversation. consent is something you resist from including as the core of sexual health education and as a broader public conversation. consent is vital for *everyone* but only the left acknowledges and supports it as such. people like you are sexually conservative, preventing these conversations and forcing vulnerable people into these situations ill-equipped to handle them.

      YOU are the threat to children. i’m sorry the sexual education you received (?) failed you so badly.

  6. Adelle, I understand you point however: television and internet videos are full of sexual acts mimicking, think about a lot of music videos, vibrators and dildos are on display in any sex shop in budapest, just walk around the city and the customer are both estero and homosexuals.
    any public sexual activity shall be punished and there is already a law for it…

  7. I just need to see what flags they’re waving, and that’s enough for me.

    It’s time to separate the “LGB” part from the rest of the nonsensical alphanumeric soup that’s been tacked on to it.

    You’re L, G, or B? Nobody cares. Get on with your life. You don’t need to advertise to the world who you’re fricking in your bedroom (or elsewhere).

    You’re “QWERTY123!@#”? Nobody cares. You’re obviously not mentally well but so long as you’re not harming anybody, do what makes you happy. However, once you try to normalize your illusions and delusions, and demand we all accept them as natural and accommodate them in both our lives and in public policy, you cross the line.

    Individual freedoms are sacrosanct. No question about it. People must be free to be, do, become whatever they want, so long as they do not impinge upon anyone else’s right to do likewise. However, a strong, confident society with a sense of purpose and forward-looking optimism is best achieved when a majority acts in certain ways and makes certain choices over others. The government of such a society would be in dereliction of its duties if it fails to promote such conduct and choices.

    In short: Be what you want but keep it to yourself and, more than anything, HANDS OFF OUR CHILDREN!!!

    • what a load of garbage. no one is after your children ffs. just because your life is so dull you don’t know any trans people doesn’t mean we have mental health problems, it means you’re a bigot and we don’t want to be anywhere near you.

      cisness and straightness *are* in everyone’s faces ALL THE TIME, you just don’t see it as such because it aligns with your social position. queer people having the F’ing audacity to exist in public is not “pushing it in your face”, it’s living our lives, you fragile snowflake.

      and as for your appeal to some codified legal apparatus for an orderly society – you failed to mention any detail of what that fascistic dog-whistle actually includes. vague appeals to ‘order’ are meaningless but become clear when the rest of what you write is effectively- “live in the shadows or you’re a threat to children”. gtfoh with your fear mongering crap. YOU are the threat to children and the youth see it clearly!

    • what a load of garbage. no one is after your children ffs. just because your life is so dull you don’t know any trans people doesn’t mean we have mental health problems, it means you’re a bigot and we don’t want to be anywhere near you.

      cisness and straightness *are* in everyone’s faces ALL THE TIME, you just don’t see it as such because it aligns with your social position. queer people having the F’ing audacity to exist in public is not “pushing it in your face”, it’s living our lives, you fragile snowflake.

      and as for your appeal to some codified legal apparatus for an orderly society – you failed to mention any detail of what that fascistic dog-whistle actually includes. vague appeals to ‘order’ are meaningless but become clear when the rest of what you write is effectively- “live in the shadows or you’re a threat to children”. gtfoh with your fear mongering crap. YOU are the threat to children and the youth see it clearly!

  8. Some people are gay, get over it, if there wasn’t so much homophobia and hatred then Pride wouldn’t even need to be a thing let alone be right up in your face.

  9. In Naples presently.
    Don’t take your children if you are a “Square Head” conservative, locked in an ideology of “pureness” and “holiness” – not – “moving” with the times, having just SIMPLE manners, patience & tolerance, and RESPECT for others – ALL.
    Don’t visit the National Archeological Museum in Naples.
    To many Penis and “bare” breasts exposed.
    May INSULT you ///
    Don’t venture to Pompei – may “sin” you in “evil” thoughts.
    Yes, have our morals, our Values – the Creeds – under which WE live our LIVES but they are in the CORE of our BEING – PRIVATE of our Heart and of our Souls – and NOT – have RESPECT & Tolerance – LOVE for ALL.
    Naples, the visiting again to – EDUCATIONAL and a NEED for “Square Heads” dominated by NARROWNESS of brain usage to VISIT.
    It WILL free you – unlock YOU – EDUCATE you.

  10. Larry – Concur.
    Been my “Platform” of opinion for 12 plus months, a RIGHT of Democracy, conducted ORDERLY – Public Demonstrations – a RIGHTFUL public display of DIALOGUE – in rejecting or OPPOSING, the CHALLENGE to a Government, in a introduce LAW.
    Larry – it’s ALL in the “Vesuvius” in NEARNESS – that will ERUPT in Hungary that through citizens SOLIDARITY – the “scaring” of the lava flow CRAP caused by “oozing” out the “Volcano” mouth size of – Victor Orban and his Fidesz Government – the DEEPER destruction that they continue to inflicted on Hungarians and Hungary.
    Gandhi – “preached” the “non-violent residence” – the Historical – Salt March led – up FRONT by Gandhi.
    Solidarity – Truth is TRUTH – our ARMOURY united to bring about the HAPPENING of the DOWNFALL of the Victor Mihaly. Orban led Fidesz Government of our country – Hungary.

  11. Our Politicians NEED enemies. They feed off the anger and emotion. Us tussling over this …

    First They Came, by Pastor Martin Niemöller

    First they came for the Communists
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a Communist
    Then they came for the Socialists
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a Socialist
    Then they came for the trade unionists
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a trade unionist
    Then they came for the Jews
    And I did not speak out
    Because I was not a Jew
    Then they came for me
    And there was no one left
    To speak out for me

  12. Since the poor fools suck on anything coming from the US and UK. The EU witholds millions from hungary be cause rhe refufuse to bend the knee over LGBTBS P. The US left has spent billions $ to NGOs pushing it all over the world. Ignored the killing in Ukraine. Hungary has done the most in Europe to bring it to an end. Its all documented by DOGE website and is updated daily. The schools and dept of education has been run by LGBT for years along with many schools – Pride month had become a major event in many schools all over the country. Its starts out slowly to where it is today that is Bat shit crazy. Parents all over the US have been arrested at school board meetings for speaking out. As one who grew up in the US I’ve seen all ths play out. The people protest have no clue – your neighbor countries young men have been slaughtered and little from these same people.. i also have spent much time in the UK that i fear there is little hope for – it us nothing like it was in the 80- 90s the home of democracy- i fear it beyond hope. A brilliant gay man spelled out the strange death of europe , 10 years ago and it only gotten much worse. This changing the whole world more than you know and a blocking roads in little hungary. You have been given access to all the knowledge in world – people have never been dumber.
    The EU is spending millions to sensor free speech on US tech firms they would love to shut down X and you marching for what???

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