Shell: Hungary could run out of gas oil by November

Many companies replace expensive natural gas with diesel. Supplies could run out in Hungary by November, said Sarolta Vecsey, mobility director for Hungary and Slovenia at Shell Hungary.

“Due to the current energy market’s volatility, there could be a shortage of gas oil, starting from November,” Sarolta Vecsey said. Many industrial consumers have switched from gas to diesel, which has a similar calorific value but is still much cheaper, reports.

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Shell has 193 service stations in Hungary. Since the introduction of the price cap in November 2021, Shell has communicated that the measures are causing market difficulties. There has been a shortage of officially priced products at wells before.

Shell also temporarily suspended the operations of five of its domestic service stations over the summer due to supply difficulties. The extent of the loss suffered on the sale of the official fuel was not disclosed by the company’s management.

Sarolta Vecsey does not believe that the current situation is in the interests of the larger chains since managing the extra traffic poses issues for everyone. Small wells also experience significant losses, writes.

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