Significant changes coming to Hungarian postal services

An amendment to the Postal Services Act was recently published in the Hungarian Gazette (Magyar Közlöny), introducing several significant changes to the operation of postal services in the country. One of the key changes is the modification of the availability of the universal postal service.

Previously, the universal postal service provider was required to determine the number, location, and timing of pick-up and delivery points based on user needs. Additionally, collection and delivery of postal items were to be ensured in all municipalities. This requirement remains unchanged. The obligation for the universal postal service provider to establish at least one delivery point per municipality, either through a quasi-post box or other means of delivery stays, writes Világgazdaság.

Higher requirements

However, there have been adjustments to the number of post offices in larger cities. Previously, municipalities with a population exceeding 25,000 inhabitants were required to have at least one post office or means of delivery per 25,000 residents.

This threshold has now been increased to 30,000 inhabitants. Consequently, municipalities with a population of over 30,000 must have at least one delivery point for mail and official documents per 30,000 residents. It is worth noting that this change affects a considerable number of people due to the population density. Hungary has 34 towns with 30,000 inhabitants or more, and nearly 3,200 municipalities.

Automatic systems

An interesting addition to the Postal Services Act is the concept of “automated means of delivery”. This falls within the existing category of delivery points, such as post-office boxes. These automated means of delivery refer to devices that operate without physical presence, enabling the hand delivery or self-delivery of postal items.

Regarding parcel shipments, there have been alterations to the weight limits. Previously, the universal postal service covered parcels weighing up to 20 kilograms. However, this weight limit has now been reduced to 10 kilograms, affecting both domestic and international parcel shipments.

These amendments to the Postal Services Act bring about significant changes to the Hungarian postal service. These changes will impact the availability of services, the number of post offices in larger cities, the introduction of automated means of delivery, and the weight limits for parcel shipments.

Source: Világgazdaság


  1. Privatization of the Hungarian Postal Services – is a known FACT – on the agenda of the Orban led Government of Hungary.
    The massive trimming downsizing, that has already resulted in mass numbers of staff number being placed “out of work” – that has occurred in the closures of Post Offices throughout Hungary in the past (9) nine months, was the commencement – of the Orban plan to SELL off – Hungarian Posta to a PRIVATE operator.
    It is HAPPENING sooner than later.

  2. The postal service is a dinosaur. It doesn’t belong in its current form to the modern age. Reform or die. Sorry.

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