Soros to give even more money to the CEU – video

He wrote a message to the Central European University Community, slapping the Hungarian government and clearing up that he is planning to increase CEU’s endowments.

According to him, the Hungarian Prime Minister, Viktor Orbán, has forced the Central European University (CEU) to move its U.S. degree courses to Vienna by making it impossible for CEU to issue American degrees in Budapest.

However, CEU is nevertheless determined to

maintain both academic and public activities

on its campus in Budapest, and it has the full support of the Open Society Foundations and me personally in this endeavour.

I therefore reiterate the commitment—made in June—that CEU has an assured future: the Open Society Foundations

intend to increase CEU’s endowments.

Soros concluded that he would like to thank the perseverance and loyalty of the CEU community under the inspired leadership of its president and rector Michael Ignatieff in very difficult circumstances. “I am also grateful for the steadfast support CEU received both from the Hungarian public and the global academic community. With their support, CEU has emerged as the beacon and symbol of academic freedom worldwide,” he stated.

In fact, his son, Alex Soros, already talked about a possible rise in the CEU’s financial support in June at the university’s graduation ceremony. He added then that he awaits the day when Hungary becomes a democratic country again, reported.

Zsolt Enyedi, pro-rector of the university, said that

they need 4-5 years to move to Vienna

and that is why they received a higher sum of money. 

As we reported before, George Soros’s Open Society Foundations closed its Budapest office last summer. The billionaire philanthropist is the target of many right-wing political movements, so it is probably not surprising that in his mailbox at his Westchester County Home in Bedford, an explosive device was found. Fortunately, the bomb was exploded by squad technicians, and no one was injured.

When in April, he was given the Don Ridenhour Bravery Award, he said that the Hungarian Prime Minister turned him into the supervillain of an alleged plot, and the values of an open society were under attack around the world, including the United States.

Here, you can watch his speech:





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