Speaker: Norway’s ‘gay Santa’ ad ‘desecrates a beloved holiday’ – VIDEO

Speaker of Parliament László Kövér has slammed a Norwegian TV commercial featuring a gay Santa Claus for “desecrating one of our children’s favourite holidays”.
The four-minute spot titled “When Harry met Santa” was produced by the Norwegian postal service to mark 50 years since the decriminalisation of homosexuality in Norway. It shows Santa delivering gifts to the clip’s other titular character, Harry, over several years. Harry is then seen writing a letter to Santa that reads “All I want for Christmas is you.” The clip ends with Harry and Santa embracing and kissing.
“There’s a limit to everything except vileness and absurdity,” Kover said when asked to comment on the advert in a video interview to hirado.hu on Thursday.
“We haven’t seen such ugly and disgusting provocation against our faith, our religion and convictions in a long time.”
The speaker said what made the ad worse was that it was produced by a state institution “and not uncle Georgie Soros’s NGOs”, adding that commercials like these were “a sly abuse of Christian patience”.
Asked what he thought of “the inability of certain politicians to rise above their immediate interests for the sake of protecting children”, Kövér said that if his grandchildren had to live “in a world in which society shares no common values or interests,
it would be a dangerous world and one hard to live in”.
Here you can watch the ad:
Source: MTI
What happens in Norway in tv ads is NOT the business of Hungarian politicians. The UK has also had ‘inclusive’ ads for some time, again NOT a Hungarian politician’s business. If the people of Norway or the UK complain, then there is some validity but for a Hungarian who does not live in either country and has a different culture to complain is ‘overreach’ to put it mildly.
The communist are using the fags to bring the communist into power,,,,I find it a crime against humanity
Yes, it is wrong, that’s gone too far and there’s no need for it. But it’s a Norwegian advert, not Hungarian and therefore nothing to do with us. From the article it’s obviously on YouTube so don’t watch it if you find it offensive. And I would say to that Kövér, get your own house in order before you criticise others.
We agree with you!!! Nothing to do with the gays, just a nasty farce against the Catholic church.
Why on earth did you, Daily News, print this Norway stuff? You are a sophisticated newspaper, not a nasty gossip magazine.
The old man needs a pint or two of camomille…
P.s. I can imagine the same old man and fellow Cavemen’s party orbanists barking loud should Norway dare questioning anything made in Orbanistan…
But… who knows… perhaps, deep inside, dear old Laci Bacsi is just envying that Norwegian Santa.
Speaker of Parliament László Kövér opinion about this perversion is shared by the majority of Hungarians.
I agree with Stephen Pethő’s every word. Communists have historically used causes to advance their world domination. This is just another example.
I find it especially ironic and arrogant that the foreign Soros agent provocateurs protest Kövér’s statement on the basis that he has no right opine about events in other countries. What are they doing here?
Using their fake-argument, what is the insignificant, fly spec, joke of a pretend country is doing talking about Hungary’s internal affairs.
The double standard of decadent West in action. Puke.
In case anyone is confused about that insignificant, fly spec, joke of a pretend country:
“Luxembourg Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn has called for Hungary to be suspended or even expelled from the European Union because of its “massive violation” of EU fundamental values.”
Population 626,108 -:)
It is better to be a righteous caveman than a degenerate sodomite or child abuser.
Luxembourg GDP per capita 2020 115,873.60 USD. Hungary GDP per capita 2020 15,899.15 USD. Not what I would call insignificant. It is also a net contributor financially to the EU, whereas Hungary is not.
Rumor has it that a similar video is soon going to be filmed in Hungary as well, with Szajer and Lacsi Bacsi the Speaker as kissing couple, just to show the whole world that , as the 5XL autocrat says, homosexuals in Hungary do not get discriminated…. 🥰😘😘
József Szájer’ homosexuality is widely known. Heterosexual Hungarians don’t hate him but the flaming homosexuals hate him with passion. Not my job to figure out their twisted rationale.
We consider what Szájer is doing his thing in private with other adults is nobody’s business. I understand that flaming people that want to get their slimy paws on Hungarian children are enraged at Szájer because he insists on his privacy and does not join the flaming trans and pedophiles, Szájer immediately resigned from his posts and left Fidesz.
I find his sexual preferences distasteful but I consider him an honorable man who did the honorable thing when he got busted. He accepted the consequences of his actions. We never hope to see that from the LGBTQ.
Norway has nothing on school books for children in the US that teaches the joys of oral sex and young boy with a older man relationship and like Hungary how dare parents voice there affence and are told parents are being told the have no say in what is being taught in public schools and are subject to visit from the FBI as terrorists especially if there white. Race and sex is pushed in everyone’s face especially if your children spend time on US web pages like Facebook Twitter and Netflix not to mention the thousands of pornsites. Moving to Europe you realize
Jedeo christianity is the basis for the entire western world whether your a believer or not and has lasted for over thousand years. Europe is dying out especially now that children can pick their sex and abortions with out parents consent.
Next year the virgin aborts the son of god and abborts the holiday and becomes a sales event like Black Friday-